A new beginning

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"It is quite as heterogeneous as a bond as pure and stable as friendship can be disturbed:
love and friendship are two sides of the same coin, crossing both sides risks getting burned ".

September 1st.
King's cross, platform 9 and 3 quarters.
I'm finally here, with Ron and the Weasley family. I can't wait to hug my friends and my dear Hermione again. With Ron I am fine, we laugh, we joke, but with Hermione during the last period of the year I was able to open up more.
There it is!

Here we are! Here are Ron and Harry. My dear friends, I don't want to lie to them, but ... I'm afraid ... afraid of being judged ...
I run up to them and hug Harry.

Here she is, she runs towards me, hugs me, I do the same.
One of the few people he really cares about me.

You and I? ImpossibleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant