9. Roof.

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You see a blond head of hair. Long hair.

It's Hayley.

The girl turns around and meets eyes with you. You sigh.

"Hey y/n," She starts. "Where's Silas?"

"He's at the bar," Elijah says, dropping his phone in his lap and looking over at Hayley, who was still standing in the doorway of the apartment.

She sighs, running a hand through her rough blond hair. "I just wanted to apologize to him."

"He should be back tomorrow. I can text you if you want me to?" You say and she nods. You can faintly see a tear starting to stream down her face.

"I'm sorry Hayley," You start. "Has he said anything since all that happened?"

You feel Sapnap grip on your leg tighter, getting your attention.

"What?" You whisper.

"Who is she?" He asks and you sigh.

"It's Silas' ex-girlfriend."

"Oh, okay," He says, turning to look back over at the girl still in the doorway.

"N-no he hasn't. I just feel horrible for what happened and I-" She manages to spill out, the tears falling from her eyes still, uncontrollably.

"Tell you what. I'll text you tomorrow and tell you when he's in a good enough mood to talk, okay? Go home and get some rest, Hayley. No offense, but you look like a complete wreck," You say and she lets out a small laugh.

"Yes, thank you y/n."

And with that, she walks out, closing the door behind her.

"Well that was sudden," Elijah says, making me laugh nervously.

"Right?" Sapnap says, and you sigh once again.

You pick your plate back up again and start shoveling the pasta into your mouth, not realizing before how hungry you really are.

"Do you like that, m'lady?" Sapnap asks you with a smile, and you nod contently.

You finish your food and set the plate on the coffee table sitting in front of you.

You move yourself to be on Sapnap's lap, your arms around his neck and your head on his shoulder.

You both lay there for a while in silence before Elijah speaks up next to you.

"I'm gonna head to my room, do you guys want the T.V on?" He asks, and you shake your head.

"Alright, goodnight guys," He says, walking down the hallway.

"Night," You and Sapnap both say in sync, making you laugh.

You take your head off of his shoulder to meet eyes with him and you smile.

"Do you wanna head to bed too, m'lady?" He asks you, but you shake your head.

"I already slept all day, I'm not gonna be able to go back to sleep now."

"Okay that's true. What do you wanna do?" He asks, and you smile.

"Get up and get your shoes on. And maybe a jacket," You say, getting off of Sapnap and going over to your bedroom to grab one of Sapnap's hoodies that were laying in his suitcase.

You slip it over your torso and walk out, meeting Sapnap in the kitchen once again.

"So you're gonna wear my hoodie," He says with a laugh. You simply nod your head and walk over to the door where your shoes are.

You slip them on and grab your keys then open the door.

As you are walking out, you feel Sapnap bring his hand with yours and walk closer to you.

You look up at him and he looks down at you.

You both smile at each other, but then quickly paying attention to where you were walking.

After making it out of the building, you make it to your car and get in, starting the car.

Sapnap takes the aux, but you didn't mind.

You pull out of the drive and onto the freeway when Sapnap finally says something.

"Where are we going?" He asks, looking over at me.

"It's a surprise, Sapnap," You say and he sighs.

"Fine," He says, turning on a song.

You didn't recognize it at first, but as the verses started, you sang along.

Friends by Chase Atlantic.

Sapnap looks over at you, admiring you as you sing the words to the song while still staying focused on the road ahead of you.

You both sit in the car, singing to the music, eventually saying things to one another.

Then, you make it to the place you were meant to be.

You park next to the building, guiding Sapnap out and into the building.

After walking up many flights of stairs, you make it to the roof.

You hear Sapnap gasp behind you.

"This place is really cool, when'd you find it?" He asks, and you laugh.

"Me and my best friend used to come here all the time," You say, going over to the edge of the roof.

"Used to? Why'd you ever stop coming?"

"She commited a few years ago," You say, and Sapnap looks at you, concern growing over his features.

"I'm sorry for asking," He says, giving you a hug.

"It's okay, you didn't know."

You both stand there for a few moments, unsure of what to say to one another.

"Well why'd you bring me here?" He asks finally, and you turn your head to look at him.

"Because I haven't been here in so long and I figured I could bring you."

"Oh, I see. I feel honoured that you would bring me with you," He says, his voice soft.

"I wouldn't have it be anyone else," You say with a smile.

You slide out of his embrace, sliding onto the ground and leaning against a wooden crate that stood there.

Sapnap looked down at you, confusion very evident over his features.

"What are you staring at, come sit with me."

And that he does.

He slides to sit down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he does so.

You both sit in silence for a while.

It wasn't any awkward silence, though. It was quite comforting.

You loved being with him. And you wouldn't change it for the world.


word count: 1077

this one is a little shorter than my average chapters, but this is more of a filler chapter.

the next chapter is going to be the start of something crazy, so i figured i'd let you off easy this time 😌


have a good rest of your night or day!

- innitxox ♡︎

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