Now she returned to her present situation. Her room is on ground floor. How will she go drenching like an idiot?
Because Almighty was very happy with her lately, lift was broken. Great, make your way by stairs. She slowly and cautiously made her way towards her room. No encounters till now, she felt herself at peace.

She entered her room frantically. As soon as she decided to dry herself, door burst open to reveal a petite cute creature in a light blue outfit with messy bun.

"So, you are the duck that sweeper was complaining about.." She said amusingly.

"Huh.. " Thea stuttered.

She said nothing but pointed the wet floor then her soaking wet appearance. Thea felt like a wet cat under her gaze.
Little did she know she left trail marks behind causing a mess on perfectly sweeped floor.

"Sorry. I'm Amara by the way and I guess I'll be your roommate for this year. " The petite cutie stated extending her hand.
Thea shook her hand with her wet wrinkled one.

Way to go for first impression Thea Mehra.

"Umm, I'm Thea Mehra. Sorry for the mess though. " Thea replied.

"No problem as it's your first time and you don't know about me being a clean freak. " She winked. With that Amara landed on her bed and Thea continued to dry herself. After cleaning the mess, Thea sighed and pulled out her phone to call her parents.

"Hey dad! How are doing? " Thea asked.

"Hlo beta! I'm doing great. How are you coping ? " Mandy, her sister, beamed.

Thea giggled at her childish behavior and asked about her dad.

"He left in a hurry and forgot his cell phone. So, here I am your rescuer. Now tell me what's exciting ? ", Mandy showed her curiosity.

She laughed at Thea's first encounter with her roommate.

"I knew you are a cat and that too a wet one", Mandy chuckled at her own joke.

" Oh, shut up you idiot. It's far better than your slippery incident on your first day of school. ", Thea tried to save her ass by arguing.

" Dear sis, your first day in college is due. I hope you will fall by your face in front of most handsome person in your batch. ",Mandy cursed.

" Keep dreaming.. ",

" Oh stop this childish argument, and tell me about your settlement. Have you eaten? Don't starve yourself baby, it's not healthy. I wish I could be there to take care of you. ", her lovely mother interrupted.

" Don't worry mumma, I'll take care of myself. I'm not a kid like Mandy. "Thea giggled ,hearing her sisters murmuring in the background.

After good hour talking, her mother hanged up.

As she made her way to her dorm, her stomach growled wanting some attention. She took her purse and a last glance to her appearance through mirror.

She found out about the cafeteria near her dormitory on her admission day.

**Thea's pov**

As soon as I step foot in the cafe, the sweet aroma welcomed me. I made my way to the counter and ordered for chocolate milkshake and a cheesecake. Yeah, I have a sweet tooth. And I'm not kidding when I say I can die for 'kheer' made by my mum.

I searched for an empty table and when I noticed the empty corner ,I made my way silently towards it, not wanting to gather any unwanted attention.

Soon my order arrived, giving me utmost satisfaction. It's frustrating to wait for your order when your stomach is constantly growling for food.

While eating, I was subconsciously staring at a girl , a table across mine. I know it's rude plus weird. But I was in my wonderland ,so not my fault okay. She eyed me and waved towards me, that's when reality struck me. I shrugged and finished my last sip of heaven.

I payed the bill and escorted myself out without anymore awkward encounters with any other human being.

I again noticed the same girl. She is tall, standing straight with a smiling face like she is content with herself.

She extended her hand breaking my trance, - " Hey, I'm Mahira. What's your name? "

I replied, -"Myself ,Thea mehra. It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry for staring at you. I didn't mean to. "

Mahria laughed, - " It's ok to visit your wonderland but not too often. By the way I'm a fresher and by your look, you too. "

I nodded my head in a yes. We arrived our dormitory while chit chating. Her room is across mine so yeah, we will be close.

I dragged my feet across my room completely exhausted with today's events and spread my body on comforting mattress. Amara is already sleeping peacefully with her open mouth and soft snores. She's a cute shit.

I am not in a mood to sleep so I prayed . May God grant me courage and patience to resolve each and every obstacle waiting for me.

It's hard for me to sleep at night as I'm accustomed to sleep in my room at home. I listened to the radio playing 'yaadon ka idiot box by Nilesh mishra'. He is a great story teller. I never miss any of his story telling session.

Listening to his voice and long lost in the story plot, sleep engulfed me.

Hey fellas, hope you doing well. Comment and tell me if this part brings back any memories. I hope you enjoyed this.
Vote for it if you enjoyed. 🙃🙃

THE WAY IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum