Nerf war Part 3

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A/N: I am really sorry that it took so long, but school was stressful the last week, than I had to get a new phone with which I had to get conftoble. Also, I learned my lesson to not write any more nerf wars. I tried to make it long, but I have to get my motivation back

It was now around half an hour later. From the class team, or team four, everyone was already eliminated, from team three, both Flash and Jackson for eliminated, the former one being shot the third time by Shuri, since she heared how he called Peter. In team two, Stark and Cindy got eliminated. In team one, the one that's always the same, of course no one was eliminated yet. They worked together like they trained everyday. And most of the Avengers actually suspect that they do, but they didn't say anything.

In the room where everyone meet, you could hear Flash complain because, how come 'silly Penis Parker' was in a team with some of the Avengers, and all his friends, and most importantly, still alive. Tho, he did stop saying Penis Parker, after he got a glare from the Tony Stark after the first time he did, or rather, he did it silently.

Half an hour later, everyone got eliminated, except team one of course. That's when he'll broke loose. Flash demanded a rematch since he couldn't accept to loose against Penis Parker, and the Avengers all got angry with Peter, since he never told them he was being bullied. "That's exactly why I never told you, ai can't have you guys always fight my battles, i can take it, the verbal and the physical abuse, others can't." Peter explained but soon realized the mistake he made. "Wait? Physical abuse? Малинку палк он когда-нибудь бил тебя? (Little spider did he ever punch you (Google translate))" "No of course not" i tried to say, but of course the trained assassin and spy figured that out. "Я собираюсь убить его (I'm going to kill him)" "No killing of minors, remember?" "No one will find out" "NO"

Now Stark started to speak up, "can I kick him out of my tower then?" "Yeah go on, he never believed I worked here. The other teacher also didn't, Mrs. Warren I mean." "Wait, but I gave your school the paperwork and all." "Yeah, they suspected a forged signature." "BULLSHIT. Okay, who is this Mrs Warren?" He asked and waited for her to raise her hand, Wich of course she did, she was standing face to face with Tony Stark, Iron Man. "Great. You can accompagne this young man Herr out of my tower, and never come back. Sou didn't believe my personal intern, the sweetest kid I know" "But Mr. Stark sir. He's just Peter Parker, a scrawny orphan. Why would you take him to work with you rather then me for example?" Flash asked, "Whats your name?" Happy asked now, who got called by F.R.I.D.A.Y to get them out. "Eugene Thompson, but everyone calls me Flash" "good to know Eugene, now I can write you onto the towers black list. You'll never step one more foot into this building, now, if you would like to follow me, the exit is that way." And with that, three less people where in the room. "Does anyone else not believe you Peter?" Pepper now asked. "Yeah, Jackson, Flash's friend." "Well then, goodbye mister." And with that, he two was send down. "Is that all?" "Yeah I think so, thanks Mom." Peter said. Before freezing.

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