Training part 1

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A/N: Give me some chapter ideas. Also, any russian in this chapter, and the rest of the book is all translated on google. So I excuse myself for any mistakes

As we arrived upstairs on the 79th floor, there where only three doors. I of course knew where they lead to. The left one is the entrance to my lab, the right one to Harleys lab, and the one in the middle, to Mr. Starks lab. He wanted to have the one n the middle, since they are all conectec to each other, and so he could always come check on us. He did see us like his sons.

"Okay kds." Emma started. "We will now be allowed to enter Mr. Starks personal lab. But before, I need to give you some rules. Firstly, Stark industries has a strict no bullying policy, bu espacially do not do anything near Mr. Stark. Seccondly, if he doesnt allow you, there is no touching or taking pictures. Do you have any questions?" "Is Mr. Stark inside?" "Yes he is, and one of his two interns, Harley Keaner probably too." "Cool." "Now, if you all understood the rules, lets go inside." There, Mr. Stark and Harley where of course working togther. But when I saw what they where working on I couldn't help bt yell out a "hey.", they where working on our bonding proect, without me. "Mr. Parker. I told you to behave." Ms. Warren said once again. "Monica. Stop it now. I think in the past hours we got enough proof that Peter is acctually working here." Mr. Harrington told her. "Indeed he does." Mr. Stark said. "He is a very important person for our company. Who here the newest StarkPhone?" He asked, and most of the class raised there hands. Of course. "Well, Peter here had a big impact on the design, and features." Now, Cindy asked a question. "What are you currently working on?" "Currently we are working on tis small project here, but it won't be selled. Its just a fun project for us. For all of you who cant figure out what ths is, it is gonna be a functional R2-D2." Harley explained. Now MJ speaked up. "Who are you if I might ask?" "MJ, you know Harley, we littlrally all see each other once a week to watch a movie." Mr. Stark said amused. "Wait, so you actually know Punny Parker and his looser friends?" Flash speaked up. "Yes we do. But we don't like that language around here. Emma, thats your name right." Mr. Stark said, adressing our tour gide at the end. "Yes Sir." "Did you keep tabs?" "Of course sir." "good. Give it to me." "The teacher talked bad to Mr. Parker three times, and the kid at least once now." "Thank you. Kid, what do you think. Should I kick them out?" He said addressing me, but he saw in my pleading look, that I did not want to have anything to do with this, but also didnt want him to kick anyone out. "No, I think firstly it will be enough if they cant come to the movie this evening. You will be allowed to come to dinner through. Now, continue with your tour." Mr. Stark said.

So, thats what we did. We went up to the 82nd floor. The avengers training floor. "Now, we will be staying secure behind a glass wall for the duration of the Avengers training. Once they are finished, we will be allowed to go in and they will tell you what they planed for you to do." Emma explained. Oh great. They are all here. They trained around ten more minutes, before Wanda saw our class behind the door, or rather, my friends and I. "Oh hey. It's bambi and friends" She said, and now the others too noticed us, so they took a break from training. "Oh. Hey guys. You can come in." That was enough for Emma to decide that she can open the door conecting the two rooms. "For today, we thought we might teach each one of you some basic fighting skills." Natasha started. Great. So, ether I fight like I do at school, so, not at all, and gonna have to explain everything to the Avengers, or I quick ass, and then, everyone is gonna find out that I willingly let myself beat up by Flash. And I thought visiting my lab might be a bad idea. "We will be splitting you up in little groups. Each group will go with one of us." Steve now said, taking up his role as captain. "Pick anyone you want to go with. But remember, max five people per one of us." There where six of them here. Wanda, Natasha, Steve, Clint, Sam and Bucky. So, of course Ned, MJ and I went with Natasha. "Hey. I'm hurt." Wanda exclaimed. "Sorry, but staying with my мама паук. She's just cooler then you are." I told her jockingly, wich earned me a glance from my teacher, but she didn't say anything more. "Осторожный, это моя девушка, о которой ты говоришь" (Careful, that's my girlfriend you'e talking about) "Okay okay. I like both of you equally." At the end, in our group we also had Flash and one of his friends, because even if they wanted to go with one of the guys, they really wanted to embarras Punny Parker.

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