Robotic lab

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At the robotic lab, they where of course already waited for. "Welcome kids. We organized a little competition for you. In groups of two, you will now be allowed to build robots, at the end, a judge will decide Wich one is the best, and deserves to be showen not only to higher engineers like always, but exceptionally even to Tony Stark and the next in line to rule over the company. So, i would advise you to not do anything, but actually really think about it. You will be here till the end of your trip. Tho, in between you will get a lunch breack." The intern in charge of the activity greatest them, and explained what they would do. Since the class was an un-even number, Ned worked with MJ, and Peter Planed not to participate, but then, he got dragged to the back by Harley. "Come on. Let's do something. Otherwise you will just be really bored for the next hours." Harley told Peter.

They shortly brainstormed like every one else, on what they could do. They decided, they wanted to do something for they common, non-biological little sister. After around fifteen minutes, they decided on some little, functioning dolls. Two to be exact. One of Spiderman and one of Iron Man. They decided that each was gonna work on one. Peter on Spideys, and Harley on Iron Man's. As soon as they decided on that, they jumped into action. Harley puting together some metal pieces, while Peter searched for some tissue he could sow together for the suit of the doll. As he asked the intern if he could go to his lab, quickly get something he needed, this one of course didn't bother to say no. I mean, why would you say no to a request from your sort of boss.

So, Peter quickly drove up to his lab, to get actual spider tissue, he had left from his suit. He also took with him, his web shooter plans, so that he could reproduce them smaller if possible. As he passed his dad's lab, he saw a blue print for the newest Mark something laying around. Peter didn't bother to keep up with the numbers. He decided to take it with him for his brother.

Back downstairs, he went towards the sowing machine standing in the corner of the room. While passing his work table he put down the blue prints he took with himself. Harley while Peter did all of that, already build the dolls head peace, and then went over to putting Jarvis into it, and making a protocol that the doll would listen to Morgan. Harley and Peter, of course did all of that, while every other team still brainstormed on what they could do, now, the first teams started to build what they had in mind, but with a quick overview, the intern in charge saw that non of them actually tried anything special, and preferred to play it safe. As he saw that Ned and MJ, who he slightly knew who they where, had a plan for something else, more advance, but that they put it to the side, he decided he had to change something about that. So he went and talked to them, which made them change their mind, and build the more difficult project.

As the lunch break came around, Harley had finished his Iron Man, and Peter only had to finish up the shooters. The whole group if students now went back into the cafeteria with their tour guide, for one last meal at the tower.

Peter sat down on his usual table with Ned and MJ, and Harley joining them. They talked a bit, Ned and MJ asking Peter for some advise, when suddenly they could hear a high pitched voice, yelling "Peter" so they all turned towards the door where the yell came from, there they could see a little five year old. "Hey Morgan." Peter greatest her as she came closer. "Are you my brother now?" She asked him. "Not by blood. But yes, i am." Peter told her. "I'd like that." The girl said cuddling closer to him. Not long after, she fell asleep in his arms, cuddling her big brother.

Since Peter didn't want to let go of Morgan, he just took her with himself back into the lab after lunch break. All of the stuff where used to the closeness between the kids of the tower, so they where always prepared for the jung Stark to come in with the boys.

Peter tinkered around with the little web shooters, Morgan sitting on his lap and sleeping, as Betty and Liz came and asked him who the girl was, and how he got her into the tower. "you see, that's sort of my sister, Morgan Stark." He said, and once again put all of his focus on his project in front of him.

While Peter did that, Harley didn't have much left to do, so he decided to modify the dolls that where gonna wear the suits. Both suits are copies of the originals, so, openable. But Peter just intended to put a complete normal doll underneath it. Harley decided to make the dolls look like the heros look without the suits on.

Around four o'clock in the afternoon, the intern in charge spoke up again. "great work all of you. But sadly, it's time for you to go back home. Leave your work on the table, with your names write to it. We will inform your school about the winners, so you will know if your work was chosen to be showen to the boss." He said. So, everyone did as told. And then, they drove back into the towers lobby.

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