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                                ~CHAPTER 6~

Its Monday morning the best morning to ever be. (note the sarcasm there)

I got up out my bed and made my way to the bathroom trying to get ready. I was so tired this morning just like yesterday but today is school so I have to get ready quick.

After about 30 minutes I'm just now about to get dressed and today I dont feel like dressing up because who cares about how you dress... not me.

I chose my black long sleeve crop top and a pair of Nike sweatpants with my air forces. I decide to put my hair in a bun because I'm to lazy to do anything else. I grab my things and walk downstairs. I see Jordan sitting on the couch watching what looks like 'Teen Titans Go'.

"Good morning Jordan." I said while putting some coffee in a to go cup I can throw away later. He gets up and walks over to the kitchen.

"Good morning almost ready to go?" he asked while taking out his phone.

"Yea I'm ready, we are actually going to be early today." I said laughing a little.

"Well I couldn't really sleep last night so it was going to be easy to get up." he said getting up to walk over to leave. I stay silent for a while because I figure that I'm the reason for that but I'm not sure. I don't want me to be the reason why my brother isn't getting sleep.

"Stop Breanna I can literally hear your thoughts from your brain." he said laughing. Oh so he thought it was funny.

"Quit laughing its not funny." I say slapping the back of his neck getting a loud 'Ow'.

We get in the car and drive up to the school. I walk in the school saying bye to my brother as he walks to his locker. I spot Layla and walk up to her...I've missed this girl so much. I walk up behind her and hug her.

"Breanna?" she questions

"Layla?" I respond back. She turns around and hugs me back.

"OMG girl why did you not say anything this weekend I have so much tea to spill." She said jumping up and down.

"Please tell me this information is about Liam" I say and she just gives me a look that lets me know it is about him.

"Tell me right now." I say getting excited.

"He called me on Friday saying he wanted to go to a cafe and I agreed and when we went he told me that he liked me and kissed me." She said shaking in excitement.

"wait so are you guys like official now?" I asked her.

"no not yet he hasn't asked me yet" she said with a sad smile.

" don't be sad about that he is definitely going to ask you out." Layla has had a crush on Liam for a very long time but she wanted to avoid getting her heart broken. Liam isnt a bad person but the people she recently dated was.

Next thing you know the bell rings which means its time for class.

I get to class and sit down when the intercom calls for me to go to the principles office. I don't think I did anything wrong. I get to the office to see a boy sitting in the chair. He must be in trouble for not my business. I sit a couple seats away from him.

"Hello Ms. Springer. How have you been?" The principle came in and asked me. I love her as a principle. She is so nice and understanding i guess because she is young.

"Hi Mrs. Maya, I've been ok but a little confused...did I do something wrong?" I asked her rubbing my arm hoping she would say no.

"No, No, Nothing like that.. I called you here because we have a new student and I would like if you could give him a tour and maybe share schedules, though the last part is up to you." she said smiling and right when she did I could tell she was up to something.

"Oh ok yes thats fine, but just to make sure the teachers know right?" I asked wanting to make sure I wouldn't have to deal with my father and mother yelling at me for missing classes.

"Yes they know." she said giving the boy his schedule

"Oh and before I forget Ms. Springer meet Mr. White." she said before walking off leaving us standing there looking awkward. Then we glance at each other in confusion and he smirks.

See now there is a problem because that smirk is fucking dangerous. Now was I starring at him and couldn't stop because he is SO fine..yes but also because he looks very familiar. We walk out the room and go in the hallway.

"So what's your first name? Mr. White." I asked him wanting to know if I knew him. I cant get over how familiar he looks.

"Milo. Whats yours?" he said and my eyes widened, 1. because he was the guy that helped me at Target. 2. because his voice is deep and its really...never mind not the point.

"My name is Breanna you can call me Bree if you want." I told him and he nods.

"Hey uh how long have you gone here Bree?" he asked me and I stopped dead in my tracks because the way my legs are shaking is unreal. Pause did he just call me love. "You ok?" he asked me. I continue to walk...Or a more accurate word wobbling.

" yes I'm fine, to answer your question I've been here since freshman year." I said trying not to laugh at my voice cracking.

"Well thats cool and all but I meant in this state." he said while smirking. This sneaky bastard knows what he's doing.

"Ohhhh um I grew up here so basically all my life." I say then i sigh lightly.

"Whats got you so nervous over there love?" he said while smirking. OMG your kidding me right. He knows.. he knows.. oh gosh.

"First off I'm not nervous I just need to pee...yea I need to pee very badly." I really hope that was convincing.

"Sure... and we just passed the bathroom," he said.

"For this to be your first time here you sure do know your way around" i said realizing I haven't been showing him around...I've been shitting my pants instead.

"Thats because while your talking I'm looking around." he said smartly. I just rolled my eyes and remembered I wanted to ask him something.

"I've been meaning to ask but do you work at a Target?" i asked and he looked a little surprised.

"Yea I do, why ?" he said sounding concerned. The look in his eyes was definitely curiosity.

"No reason just asking... now finishing this tour where I'm actually showing you around," I said then going into the bathroom.

Just U and MeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя