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          ~CHAPTER THREE~

Its finally Friday and I am soooo over this first week of school. The only thing that is keeping me a little excited is that Layla is coming over and Jordan's friends are too.

I am looking forward to seeing what is going to happen between Liam and Layla. Like they have to get together, I can already see it.

Right now I am in 3rd period with Layla and Elijah. After this we have lunch and that means food. Oh I'm so happy I get to eat food. Right now though I'm in class, even though I don't want to be in this class.

Luckily its almost over.

"Bree are you paying attention?" Layla said tapping my shoulder.

"Uh yea, why?" i asked confused why she asked me that.

"She said that we are going to have a new student next week and that we have a project that we have to partner with next week." she said then catching her breath.

A new what ? A project? Damn I really must not have been paying attention. We don't normally get new students.

Next thing I know the bell rung and its time for lunch. Layla and I grabbed our food and made our way to the lunch room

We see Jordan, Liam and Elijah at a table waiting for us and we go to join. Today I'm really excited to eat because I have leftovers from last night which was Spaghettie and meatballs. I put my food in a warmer so that it was still hot by lunch.

"Breanna are you ok ? You are practically drooling right now." Elijah said.

"Oh sweet Elijah, please mind your own business thank you very much." I said in reply. No one ever distracts me from my meal, or they shall die.

"Anyways did y'all hear about the new student that is supposed to be coming next week?" Layla said making Jordan, Liam and Elijah all pop their heads up in confusion.



"You two do realize I am in the same class as you right?" Elijah said shaking his head in disappointment. We both just smile at him trying not to hurt his feelings.

We all sit and enjoy our lunches and then we go back to our final classes. After school we all meet up at my house to have some time together. Right now our parents aren't home because they are working. So we have the house to ourselves for maybe 2 or 3 hours.

"Ok, so what are we watching tonight?" Elijah asked while flopping down on the couch.

"So does everyone here like anime?" Layla asked looking around to see whos hand went up. Everyone's hand went up except Liam. Oh damn this is going to be funny.

Everyone turned and looked at Liam making him shift uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry, Its not that I hate it or anything its just that I haven't found one that I liked." Liam said looking very intimidated.

"That is fine but we will find something to make you get into it." Layla said then turning around to smirk at me.

"What kind of shows do you like to watch, action?, adventure?, romance?" I asked him.

"Honestly it doesn't really matter as long as I enjoy it." Liam said.

It took us a while to find something but we found this movie called 'A silent voice'. It looked pretty good so we turned it on.

About an hour went past and we were all crying...yea like literally crying. That movie was to much for my emotions. This just made us ball our eyes out.

"Why, Why did you put that movie on?" Liam said while sniffing away the tears.

"I don't know." I said while still crying myself.

A few minutes later everyone got themselves together and left. Jordan and I made dinner and waited for mom and dad to come home. We sat at the dinner table for an hour but they still didn't come home. So we both went up to our rooms and went to sleep.


I wasn't sleeping, I was in my room thinking about who this new boy would be and if I could picture him correctly in my head.

Maybe its a little weird that I'm trying to imagine him in my head.

'Ma'am I am tired will you please just go to sleep already.' Mariah said.

"Fine!" I yelled.

"Breanna are you talking to yourself!?" My brother yelled from across the hallway.

"NO...Ok maybe, whatever it doesn't matter just go to sleep!" I yelled back.

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