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His black leather boots tapped noisily on the tile floor as Hawks sat in front of him. Dabi had a first aid kit in one hand, the other trying but unsuccessfully wrapping bandages around Hawks's arm. Fresh cuts could be seen everywhere, probably Shigaraki's handy work. Dabi could see Hawks squirming away from him, wincing as the bandage looped around his pale wrists. He sighed. Hawks was a lost cause at this point. Dabi had nothing he could do to help him, or even something just to ease the pain. All he could do was watch his childhood friend fall deeper and deeper into the grasp of the Hero commission.

It wasn't the fact that he didn't want to help. They were just too different from each other. Nothing would work out.

"Here, take these with some water. It'll make you feel better."

Hawks just looked down with wide eyes, shaking. Dabi tried to comfort him but Hawks only shuffled away from him, whispering something over and over again. Like a Dabi was some sort of monster. Which he was, but it still hurt. He took hold of Hawks's thin wrists and with a bit of whimpering and some tears, Dabi finally got him to swallow those pills.

Hawks gave one tearful glance at him and immediately burst out crying. It hurt to see him like this, but Dabi swore that he won't do anything. The League or Villains was all he had right now and he liked it. He motioned Hawks to follow him and got up.

"If you want to, you can stay with me tonight."

Hawks shook his head, eyes wide like dinner plates.

"I-I didn't do anything! Please d-don't hurt me," he whimpered.

Dabi's heart tightened a little. He gently grabbed Hawks's arms to steer him in the right direction while rubbing soothing circles on his back. Hawks calmed down a little, obediently walking into Dabi's room. He could see the hero's wings twitching slightly, days of being in confinement. 

"Just sleep here. I'll sleep on the couch," Dabi told Hawks firmly. 

"I-It's fine, I-I can-"

Dabi cut him off.

"Just listen to me for once, ok?"

Hawks looked to be on the verge of tears, hearing the edge in Dabi's voice. He sighed, not wanting to set him off again. Instead, Dabi wrapped his arms around Hawks tightly. He activated his quirk to give off some heat to warm up the hero. 

"I'm sorry Keigo," he whispered softly.

Dabi felt Hawks's wings puff up, feathers drifting onto the floorboards in the room. He let go of him and walked out of the room. Hopefully Hawks would recover quickly before Shigaraki planned to do anything else to him. After all, if Shigaraki gave the order, Dabi would do anything. For the L.O.V. For his future. For himself.

~Hawks's pov~

It wasn't long before the voices came back again. He knew it. Those pills Dabi made him take would do nothing. Absolutely nothing. The moment the raven haired man had stepped out of the room. Hawks had made a frantic dash towards the bed, burying himself in the blanket. The familiar scent of firewood drifted in his nose and for a few hours, Hawks felt like it was home.

That was funny.

Shadows started to pour through the windows and the door. Soon, the whole room was covered in darkness. Figures of people, children, even monsters started to appear in front of him. Hawks let out a strangled cry, leaping out of the bed. He wasn't sure where he was going, but just ran for his life. Everything was black. Hawks could see nothing, hear nothing, feel nothing.

"Did you really think you could escape us?" someone whispered in his ear.

Hawks whipped his head around.

"Who's there?"

Suddenly, his scenery changed. The shadows around him swirled, and when it cleared, he found himself standing in his childhood home. If you could even call it that.

The broken floorboards creaked under his weight. Hawks ran through the multiple hallways, past empty beer bottles, rags, shattered glass. He passed his dad, not even giving him a second glance. Finally, Hawks reached his destination. If he was gonna play the president's game, Hawks might as well arm himself first. 

His dad's 'room' had a tattered-looking mattress in it, a small fridge on the side and a pile of clothes on the center. Hawks quickly walked towards the mattress, reached underneath in and pulled out a gun. checking the chamber of it, Hawks pulled out another round for the gun. He pointed it at the window and fired twice. Surely enough, the glass broke. Hawks stood up, gun in hand.

"Come out you sick fuck," Hawks shouted.

"I don't care anymore. President, I'm going to be the one that kills you!"

A figure emerged from the doorway behind him, heels clacking on the floor.

"Winter sparrows."

Hawks froze, his brain going numb.

"Agent 564, I want you to ______________."

How it ended | Hawks x DabiWhere stories live. Discover now