Notes from the long-forgotten

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"Hurry Toga, you're lucky the alarms haven't activated yet!"

Dabi was nervously pacing back and forth on some unknown alleyway, walkie-talkie in hand. After Hawks's confession of the Hero Commission, he had sworn to save him, not matter what. The plan was to send Toga back to the hero agencies with the help of Hawks's blood. It was a small mission, but a mission none the less. They always had to take precautions. You never know what might happen. 

Even though Dabi didn't know much, one thing was clear. He couldn't send Hawks back there. 




They were right behind me.

I need to get the fuck out of there.

A flicker of green caught my attention. It was an exit sign. I don't think my legs could work any faster than this. I haden't tried this hard in a long time. Not even in my patrols. But this time, my life was on the line. If I let the hero commission catch me, it would be game over. 

The writings I had posted on social media had probably been taken down already, but I just needed one person to have seen it. I needed to save them. My phone, somewhere back in that dark room was smashed, just like my other devices. I was lucky to have made it this far without a smashed skull.

The exit was locked, not a surprise. Heart pounding, I summoned a few mini vines from my hand, quickly placing them in the cracks of the door. To my dismay, the sounds of footsteps increased. I wasn't gonna make it out loud was I?

Ditching the exit door, I kept going forward. The corridor was coming to an end already, with only a few more rooms to its right. Running towards the last one, I plant my foot on it before giving a small kick with a burst of energy. My luck was running out and so was time. 

The room I was in was a small hospital-like ward kind of thing. It was nice and cozy, excluding the fact that it was inhabited with some power-crazed people. I start searching for the files I need while pulling out my little notebook from my pant pocket. Grabbing a pen off the desk, I start to write. 

Dear whoever's reading this,

I have no time left. The hero commission is onto me, and I'm most likely going to die in a few minutes.

A few tears escape my eyes but I quickly wipe them away.

If anyone finds this, I just wanted to say that you can't trust the hero commission. The president is a power-crazed, sick fuck. Everyone, and I mean every pro hero that was trained by them had been brainwashed. There's some sort of code word that controls them, but I haven't figured this out what it is. The two words activate some kind of switch inside their brain and turn them into a brainless monster, kind of like a nomu but they don't change features or anything. I can hear them coming closer now, and I'm scared. I don't wanna die.

This time, more tears cascaded down my already bloodied cheeks before falling onto the paper with a plop.

The words: ______ ______(they haven't been decided yet but I'll decide what they are later)

Please, whoever you are, if you ever see this please tell my brother Shinji that he's gonna be a great hero next year. Shinji,

At this point, my arms began to tremble with a cold, numbness settling into my system.

I love-

~End Flashback~


"And yeah, that's all I could find in the notebook!" Hawks, no, Toga chirped into the walkie-talkie.

Dabi hated to admit it, but that note did not make the hero commission sound that friendly.

The worst of all, Hawks was gonna have the same fate as Everdeen and he couldn't do anything about it.

How it ended | Hawks x DabiWhere stories live. Discover now