Chapter 2

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Mikey went back to the other side of the table to give you to space while you ate,


you look up to see that Mikey was pouting very much not like what he seen on the plate in front of him. Weird to you cause you didn't see a problem with his or your meal they were exactly the same and they looked the same a bunch of random food choices on a plate and also weirdly a kids meal, it was kinda funny that this what he likes so such.

"Someone's going to have to pay for this" he threw his head back on the seat.

"What's wrong." You shyly asked.

Still pouting he pointed down at his meal.
"There's no flag, I only get excited over kid meals if there's a flag!" He turned he head the other way wanting nothing to do with the food. He was quite loud about this. You looked down at your meal noticing there was one in yours.

"Here you can have mine." You stuck the flag into Mikey's" Food. Hoping he'd calm down. ~I don't think this is a leader of a gang crying over a kids meal"

Without turning his head back your way his eyes trailed towards your hand movement

"Wow (y/n) I can have this!?"

You nodded.

"You're the best!"

You smiled and you two begin eating your food. Sharing small short conversations well Mikey did most of the talking, you mostly nodded and gave short answers. He had so much personality you didn't know how to handle it. You're not even a shy or quiet person but with him you were.

"Ahhh I'm stuffed" Mikey said standing up making his way back to your side of the booth. He came extremely close causing you to scoot over only for him to continue closer backing you into a corner.

"I wanna lay on you, be still" Mikey layed his head down on your lap, he took the opportunity knowing you couldn't move away from him anymore. Your heart was racing it was almost like everyone around could hear it.

"So sleepy" he said getting way too comfortable on your lap. "Your thighs are so soft."

You were frozen and burning red. This guy was so unpredictable. Why is he so comfortable to behave this way with you, you literally just met. 

With that Mikey drifted off to sleep.

This situation was so confusing you didn't know what to do, you couldn't move.  You had this giant man child resting on you legs.  30 min later kinda getting late, you looked down to see that he was still dead ass sleep. You took the chance you look at him without the interruption of his gaze. He was so handsome but kinda scary. His hair lightly fell in his face. As a reflex you move it out the way for him.
~I really want to touch his hair~ brushing it out the way wasn't enough you wanted to run your hands through it. It looked soft.

you reach down and ran you hand through his hair, it was like he felt it his head leaned more into your touch, moments later Mikey suddenly woke it, sitting up almost immediately scaring the hell out of you.

"Hey let's get out of here." Mikey grabbed your hard put money on the table and you both walked out the restaurant. You walked you home you both shared small talk on the way there but really he just ranted about the flag that wasn't in his meal.

"This is my house you pointed behind you. "Thank you for the meal" you turned to walk away wondering if this was the last time you'll see him but your wrist was suddenly grabbed. 

" can I have your number?" Mikey handed you his phone, Let's both exchange."

"O-okay, sure" you handed him your phone also.

He saved his number as (Mikey💕) you just put your name in his but with no special emoji. You blushed at this but tried to show no reaction to it, locking you phone and pretending not to see it.

"I wanna come in and spend the night with you, I wanna lay on your thighs again but I have somewhere to be tonight, maybe next time?" Mikey questioned you but he really didn't need an answer.

"Huh?!" You pretended you didn't hear what he said but you heard all of it. Your cheeks said so.

Mikey gave you a light laugh "you don't have to be so nervous around me, we're friends after all, see you later." He started heading out.

"U-um b-bye."
You quickly unlocked your door and went inside. Today was the weirdest you just wanted to sleep everything off and process it.

As you lay in bed you get a message to you phone. It was him. It's been 3 hours since he left, around 9pm at night.

MIKEY💕: I'll come over tomorrow so you can play with my hair all you want, cancel all your plans for me, I'll call you when I'm on the way, Goodnight."

"He knew?!" You said to yourself, you were completely embarrassed, you were no better then him being touchy with a stranger like that. You didn't know about how you felt seeing him tomorrow  but your heart was racing.


(An: my phone make me have so grammar mistakes I don't understand, I can't wait to get home to a computer😭😭

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