Chapter 2 "Old times."

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(The art is not mine)

We now enter the lab in Hotland. Papyrus is paying very close attention to my movement.

Y/n; Yo paps what kind of training has Undyne taught you?


Y/n; I see.

Gaster enters the lobby

Gaster; Y/n your here and papyrus? My son why are you here in the lab, you know your not suppose to be!


Gaster seems to be upset that Papyrus is here.

Y/n; Hey paps go and keep watch outside.

Papyrus salutes you and leaves the room.

Y/n; Alright Gaster what do you want from me?

Gaster pulls a key out of his lab coat pocket.

Gaster; I know you don't like going down there, but I need you to grab something for me.

Gaster want's me to go down into the old lab. What is so value able to go down there for? It's just a bunch of old junk.

Y/n; Fine, what am I grabbing?

Gaster smiles

Gaster; I'm glad your willing doing this. I need for you to grab a few viles of determination.

Y/n; What! You want those damn things?

Gaster; Yes they're for an experiment.

What ever this experiment is it can't be good. Those DT viles sent Gaster down a bad road.

Y/n; okay I guess.

Gaster; Excellent! You will be greatly rewarded for this.

I head on my way down the hall. The entrance to the old lab should have yellow tape across the door.

Found the door, but it's unlocked. It's not suppose to be. Did someone come in here?

You enter the old lab

Man this place is so dark.

You create a fire ball with your left hand

That's much better.

The DT viles should be in the ice room. At the back of the old lab.

The ice room is really just a room made to freeze things.

Okay so down the first hall and take a left. Then go forward and left again into a long hall

After that it should be 3 doors down.

At least this door is locked. Who ever came in here wasn't looking for this.

I walk into the ice box. It's freezing in here and my fire grows dim.

Found them. Wait what's that?

You see a lever on the wall next to the viles of Determination/DT.

I pulled the switch; opening a hidden room behind the viles.

This is interesting. I look inside and find a room full of capsules. They're all empty.

These are the old magic regenerater capsule. They used these for sick and injured monster. Back then it was safe, but they don't work as well now a days.

There aren't any spare parts for the capsule either. After the new models came out they quit making parts. So if one of these machines brake down. Your pretty much f*cked

It was so long ago when I was in one of these.

Flash back

When I first came to the undergrounds, the fall from the entrance seriously injured me. I was down to 2 hp, and slowly dying.

Asriel and Chara found me and brought me to Asgore. He then rushed me to Gaster, hopeing he could help me.

Gaster had no choice, but to use his most resent experiment on me.

He took a peace of his soul and added it to mine. In doing so altered my body and soul. In ways he couldn't imagine.

It gave me a natural gift of magic. Fire is the main source of magic I use. Along with my own blasters.

Y/n- Brave Blaster looks like a human skull instead of a Gaster blaster skull and shoots a bright fiery beam.

After Gaster ran his experiment he put me in a capsule for a month.

Asriel came to visit me while I was in the capsule. He brought Chara a lot with him too.

Asriel would fall asleep on us some times, so me and Chara would talk for awhile.

We had a great time and had a lot of laughs. I feel funny being around her now. I'm not sure why. My head feels hot, I blush too.

Chara's cheeks would turn red when I smiled at her. Her beauty is like no other.

Y/n; Calm down Y/n you got to cool it. Chara is just my friend. Why would she like me?

I can't wrap my head around it. Maybe one day Chara and I could go on a date?

A/n; Well if you readers like the chapter then please leave a star for this chapter. Also stay tuned for more updates.

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