Start from the beginning


Izuku, all might, inko and izumi were eating together at the dining table and the T.V was on showing today's news which was "all might reveals the identity of his children." izuku looked at it and sighed while saying "well i hope we don't face any problems due to this" all might looked over and said "yea i hope so too".


Everyone was sitting in class waiting for aizawa. and as soon as aizawa arrived he looked at them and said "get your costumes and follow me and if your costume was destroyed wear PE uniform" hearing this everyone rushed after aizawa and he lead them to a bus and said "today we will be going to a off campus site called the 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint' or 'USJ' for short now get into the bus and we it will take about 2 hour to get there."

The students borded the bus and sat down, izuku beside momo while izumi was with shoto and there was a pissed and jealous bakugo siting in the back. Kaminari while just goofing around said "so what is it like to have all might and emerald witch as parents" izuku said "well dad is nice he suported me while my mom neglected me and my sister bullied me because I was a late bloomer I didn't have my quirk until 10 months before the entrance exam. But later I found out my mom neglected me to teach me life values that was twisted I ain't gonna lie they had us in the first half". Kaminari then said "wow that must've been hard" izuku nodded saying "yea, it was".

Izuku and the gang I mean class got off the bus and walked to the steps of the USJ and were greeted by pro hero 13 who is a "she" btw said "welcome to THE USJ today you all will do rescue training. As you all know quirks are handy but can also be dangerous just look at mine which is black hole which sucks and destroys everything so I had to learn how to use it and another example is bakugo's Quirk which can damage buildings if not handled properly. So today we will teach you how to utilise your quirk for rescue now follow me" she said as she started climbing the stairs, while they were climbing uraraka ran to her and said "I am a huge fan 13. I have watched you since you debuted." 13 looked at uraraka and said "well thank you young uraraka" with that they all reached inside and saw inko standing there who looked at them and said "took you guys long enough now listen all might was supposed to be here as well but he is busy right now." Izuku then walked up and said "did he go past his limits." Inko nodded in agreement and said "well don't worry if anything goes south we can handle it"

Now aizawa was explaining the exercises until kirishima said "hey look they even got fake villains." Aizawa hearing this turned around and shouted "they are real villains everyone stay calm." Izuku seeing this grabs 22 bands and throws them to everyone excpet for aizawa and himself and says "wear these and stay here me and aizawa will deal with them" he then looks at aizawa for permission who just smirks and says "let see how much you grew since then." With that they stood at the edge of the stairs and saw a lot of villains come out of a portal and then a man covered in hands with a bird like creature. The man came out and said "hmm where is all might he was supposed to be here, well if he isn't here I guess we will have to take his wife and children I guess." Izuku looked down at him and said "yea try your best" and jumped down the stairs followed by aizawa.

They both ran at the army of the villains like madara and aizawa jumped up while running at the villains and landed between them and started fighting while izuku rushed at them with 15% of OFA and just went straight in fighting guys left and right while also giving shigaraki death glares every now and then, causing him to step back, izuku was quite brutal he aimed for their vital points and took down the people easily. And seeing this shigaraki was getting agitated and started scratching  himself saying "no, no kurogiri send the students around the USJ and nomu kill that brat." Upon getting the instructions kurogiri went to get the students while the nomu ran at izuku.

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