Chapter One: Newt

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BOOK SERIES: Please don't read this if you haven't read the entire maze runner series. This is page 249 on, from Newt's point of view. Also, the italics are when the flare that's inside Newt's head is talking/taking over his brain. A refresher on what happened before this, is Newt had turned into a crank. Thomas found him wandering the streets, and tried to talk to him. Newt attempts to fight Thomas, and begs Thomas to kill him. All credit goes to James Dashner, thank you for writing such an incredible series.)

MOVIES: This is written right where it takes off in the book, but I'll explain some of the differences here. (This is in case someone watched the movies and didn't read the books.) In the movie, Newt is stabbed in the chest with a knife while Thomas and Newt fight. Then, Newt stops moving and Thomas runs to WICKED. They cut away before they show what is happened to Newt's body. SOME THINGS HERE I WANT TO RANT ABOUT. Newt had minimal blood loss, and that knife was super tiny. Gally survived a freaking spear to the chest, and stayed in that position for over five minutes until help came. Newt had help come immediately, where I have to assume someone checked his vitals. Pulse, anyone? But for the sake of my story, let's say that they leave Newt because they have no time. So at least some of the rebels come to help, because they saw Newt with Thomas multiple times. If anyone knew basic first aid they could have helped them. Okay rant over, please enjoy.

Thomas closed his eyes, and pointed the gun at my head. My thoughts had started to clear, the darkness stripping away. A tear slid down his face, and I didn't want to scream at him anymore. I wanted to live.

"W-" I shouted, but Thomas had already pulled the trigger. Instinctively, I put my hands up trying to block my face. Pain flared through my fingers, and my plea had died, never escaping my lips. Tears slid down his cheeks, and his eyes stayed clamped shut.

"Let's go!" Someone shouted from the van, and he turned around and ran. I could feel thick blood drip down my face and the darkness started to come back. That bloody shank couldn't even kill me. He's a disgusting traitor. I can't believe that I ever liked him. I didn't like him, I loved him. I was such an idiot. He's running away from my body, like a coward. He's such a shucking coward. A cool liquid dropped down to my shoulder, making me wince. More and more red was coming. Maybe the fool had done something right for once. Maybe he had managed to kill me. So much blood was coming. He had shot me in the head. Purple spots are starting to dance on my eyelids. They're twisting and turning and getting bigger. My head feels really light. My legs... my bloody legs aren't working. I could hear a thump before I felt the pain. The dirt felt familiar against my cheek, like the many nights I had spent at the maze. I should have jumped head first, that way I wouldn't be here right now. But I was afraid, so I held out hope. What was wrong with me? Who had made me so weak?  

"Stop! Wait!" A desperate voice called out. The purple spots faded, just enough so I could see who was speaking. A girl, a little younger than me, looked scared. She had blonde frizzy hair, and grey blue eyes. Her ripped jeans were covered in mud and blood, her bright green tank top stood out in the wasteland. And, she wasn't a crank. Or maybe she was, and she wasn't past gone yet. She was running after the white van, which held the most important people in the world. "Thomas!" She screeched. Oh, great. Another girl pining for Thomas, who was probably immune as well. Because that's just great. Turning around, she scanned the wreckage for something. When her eyes found me, she smiled. The pool of blood I was sitting in had grown, and I don't know if it's from my hand or my head. The unbearable pain had stopped, and a cool numbness had taken over. The girl ran to me, and pulled a mask and gun out of her pocket.Putting the surgical mask on, eagerness danced in her eyes. She spoke rapidly in excited words, "Is any of this blood from Thomas?" Now Thomas had another crazy girl who wanted to marry him. Frick frack diddly crack. But her grey eyes seemed like they were on the verge of crying, like she was the one bleeding to death and not me.

"Maybe. I think so." I rasped, why in the world am I telling her this. She's the enemy for shucks sake. She wants to kill you. She isn't innocent! Or nice! She's going to kill you! It's not fair, she's healthy and I'm not. Not fair. "Not fair." I mumbled. Shocked, she stumbled backwards. "Not fair!" I yelled. She needs to feel pain. I bet she's lived a perfect life, and has never experienced loss. She needs to die. Die. Die. Die. She was scared now, searching for something that could help her. Die. Die. Die. Stand up. STAND UP. The blood had mixed with the dirt, turning it into a brown slush. If I get her gun, I can shoot her. She'll have to feel the pain then. Her hand flew out of her pocket, and she was holding a syringe.

"Newt, lay back down. If this works, you can see Lizzie again. And Thomas." She spoke so confidently, it might have worked on anyone else. Not me. Thomas was a criminal, always putting himself first. He tried to bloody kill me. Lizzie? The flare had given me some memories back. Lizzie. She went by Sonya now. I love her.  The numbness has gotten stronger, so I'm not going to be held back by pain. "Lay back down!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face. They disappeared once they reached the top of the mask, but I bet more were coming. Because she's a coward. "What about Minho?" Wow, she has no idea what she's doing. She has a gun. She can shoot me. Minho wouldn't want to save me. He tried to fight me, and that was one of the last times I'd seen him. I'd punched him in the face. I was too scared to kill him, but I should have. What a ninny. "I think I can save you!" No one can save me now. She keeps walking backwards, but she's about to bump into a broken down car. My legs are starting to give out, so if I'm going to kill her, I have to do it soon. The gun was dangling from her hand. Such an easy target. "Rachel, please forgive me." She murmured. Wait, how does she know who Rachel is? And how does she know who I am? Shuck, I bet she's part of WICKED. "Sorry Newt." Sorry for what? A sharp pain flared up my leg, and I whipped my head around to see what she had done. The syringe was sticking out of my leg, and as she pushed the top the red liquid slipped into me. Black dots circled my vision, and the last thing I saw was a sobbing girl. Bloody fantastic. 

Newtmas: Til Death do us PartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora