(I) Chapter 35: Curiouser and Curiouser

Start from the beginning

Frankie turned around in her seat after unbuckling, still holding Vivian's hand in hers as she looked into the princess' eyes.

"Are you ready?" she inquired gently.

The she-wolf nodded once before she began to fidget a little, trying to smooth out her unruly curls and make herself a little more presentable. As she did so, the female vampire caught the eye of Vlad. The two nodded to each other once before climbing out of the car.

With an offered hand, Dracula assisted Vivian out of the back seat with the kind of patience and care befitting of the humblest of kings. Frankie observed the two with a strange kind of curiosity, watching as the man gently linked the she-wolf's arm around his before leading her through the crowd to a small platform where Isabella, Tristan, and the royal entourage were all waiting eagerly. The werewolves surrounding cleared a path for the newcomers, all eyes on the three vampires who were escorting their princess – Dracula at Vivian's side and Frankie and Jacob taking up the rear.

When they reached the royal siblings, Vlad bowed his head in acknowledgment of Isabella's authority as queen, but she hardly took notice of him. Her eyes had welled with tears as she took in the sight of her sister and in an instant the strain in the air was relieved as the queen of the werewolves momentarily abandoned her sense of decorum. A soft cry escaped her as she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Vivian's neck, pulling the woman close.

The two females openly wept as the crowd cheered in approval, many howling at the moon above. The chorus of elation sent chills through Frankie's body and it was difficult to appear unmoved by the spectacle, especially when the returned princess was embraced next by her brother. Tristan's eyes were brimming with emotion, a tenderness in his expression that was all too familiar to the vampire and it made her heart ache as she watched the strong and powerful man wrap his arms around his baby sister. His gaze met Frankie's for an extended moment as he held both of his sisters close to him, their little family reunited at last as he mouthed the words "thank you".

Frankie only smiled, nodding once before taking a step back as Isabella moved forward to thank Leinhart with all the energy of her soul. The queen fell at the Vlad's feet in gratitude, all tears and humility.

As Dracula brought her majesty back to her feet, assuring her that no thanks were needed, Jacob moved a bit closer to Frankie, speaking low so they would not be overheard.

"So what happens now?"

"Vivian will spend what is left of the evening with her family and then she'll have to leave the city. Armand has contacts with the pack in Geneva that will take care of her until Budapest is safe again."

"How long will that be?"

"I don't know," Frankie admitted. "Rémy is hoping we can neutralize the Spider so we can get close enough to Augustine to take him out, though between the two of us, I have little faith in that plan."

"How is Rémy?" Jacob asked, the care in his voice genuine.

"He's alright," she answered, finally looking over at him. "Willfully drowning in alliance work, as always. He still has trouble balancing between that and his personal life."

"Have he and Carmen finally...?"

"No. He's still oblivious."


Frankie smirked.

"Tell me about it."

Jacob moved a bit closer, lowering his voice a little more.

"So last we saw each other, you and Tristan were still a thing. How does he feel about this Vlad Leinhart of yours?"

"There's nothing going on between Leinhart and I," she insisted. "And even if there was, Tristan and I haven't been together in almost six years."

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