Then we watched and laughed as Myles stood up and straddled Monty and started awkwardly grinding on him. None of us were able to contain our laughter. 

After a couple more rounds which involved a lot of drinking, Harper and Sterling making out, Jasper licking Fox's face, Monty eating dirt, me spending the rest of the game sitting on Myles' lap and much more, Finn approached us. 

"Hey. Mind if I borrow Ophelia for a sec?" He asked.

"Sure thing, Spacewalker." I giggled, probably previously having one too many drinks. I ruffled Myles' hair and stood up, following Finn to a spot a bit farther away from the group. 

"Look, I know you helped the Grounder escape." He deadpanned.

"Yeah, but like... I owed him one. He helped me escape, so I helped him." I replied, shrugging, not caring if he told Clarke or Bellamy. What were they gonna do? Banish me? What's done is done. 

"I don't care about that. I did something that's probably stupid, but if it works, it could fix everything. And I need your help." He replied. I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. "Just come with me. All you need to do is stand there and look brave."

My stupid ass, in a drunken daze, simply giggled and agreed, following Finn out the walls, Clarke joining us. 

"Hey, where- are we going?" I hiccupped as I took another sip of my canteen of 'water', which was definitely not moonshine. 

Clarke took the canteen out of my hands, sighing. "Finn, why did you bring her? She's totally wasted and she's still recovering from the Grounder camp." She asked the boy. "Here. Drink this. Clear your head." She handed me her canteen, which was actually filled with water. 

Finn quickly glanced around us before plucking a small flower and handing it to me. "Poison sumac. It'll help calm you down." 

I took the flower and popped it into my mouth, knowing it would take a little while for the calming effects to set in. 

"As I was gonna saying, where are we going?" I asked as I chewed on the bitter flower. No one answered me. "Fine then. Leave it a surprise." 

"Finn, I'd love if you were right about this, but did you ever consider it might be a trap?" Clarke asked. 

"Yep. But since it's Unity Day, I've decided to have hope instead." He replied, right before letting out a sharp groan of pain, clutching his rib where he was stabbed. 

"Hey, let me have a look at that." Clarke stated as we came to a stop. Finn unzipped his jacket and lifted up his shirt, revealing the bruised stitches on his torso. Clarke sighed. "Seriously, Finn, you're putting a lot of faith in a guy who stuck a knife in you." 

Even in my drunken state, I guessed Clarke was talking about Lincoln, so naturally I just assumed we were on our way to his cave. 

I snorted at Clarke's comment.

"What?" She turned to me in confusion.

"Nothing, you just sound li-... like B-Bellamy." I slurred in reply, holding back my laughter.

"I'm just trying to keep us alive." Clarke defended.

"So am I." Finn added before continuing walking. 

"Hey, should I have my w-water back, please?" I asked Clarke, stumbling over my words slightly. I felt a bile rise up in my throat and turned around to puke in a bush.

"No. How much moonshine did you even have? You shouldn't be drinking while you're recovering." Clarke said with a look of disapproval. 

"I didn't even drank so much, you're just a little bit of blurry, that's all." I slurred out. 

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