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The curtains of Sora's room were swiftly pulled apart, allowing the rays of sunshine to brighten up the darkness of the room. The aforementioned girl stirred from her slumber, squinting her eyes to adjust with the light.

"Who the fuck opened the curtains." She grumbled, a hand reaching for her phone as she groggily looked at the time. "It's too early to wake up." With that, she pulled the covers back over her, shifting around as she attempted to sleep again.

"Its literally 12pm." said Chaewon, struggling to take away the sheets of blankets from the younger. "Still too early." Sora whined, tightening her grip on her blankets. The tug of war ended with Chaewon surrendering, letting go of it. "What in the world do you do on Fridays nights for you to sleep through Saturdays." The short haired girl mumbled, glancing around the room. "Assignment marathon." The latter replied sleepily.

The older just nodded to it, as she racked her brains to try and find a way to make Sora get out of bed. Saturdays is literally the hardest day for her because its the day Sora always decide to hibernate, but Chaewon doesn't want her to oversleep and turn her sleeping schedule upside down.

An idea struck her, causing her to consider it for a second before deciding to try it out. "Since its supposed to be your turn cooking today, how about I do it for you in exchange of you getting up-"

Her sentence was cut off halfway when the figure of Sora jumped out of bed, dashing towards the bathroom. "-of course it has to be about food."

Sora exited the bathroom with a towel draped around her neck, her pyjamas in her hands. "To this day I still don't get why you change in the toilet when you can do it in your room."

The younger just roll her eyes, kicking Chaewon out of her room so she could tidy up her 'horrendous dumpsite' as the other would like to call it.

As she sort out some of her stuff, a thought struck her, making her widened her eyes slightly at the realization.

"Oh yeah prolly could call them now, its a full day service today." She muttered, hand delving under her blankets to retrieve her phone. Pressing the contact for the nth time that week, she waited it to connect to her call with anticipation.

"Hello this is The Boyfriend Hotline, a place where your dream relationship comes true. You are now speaking to Curry. How can I help you?" Sora silently snickered hearing the formal intro that she had gotten used to.

"Hi Curry. Can you hand your phone to Andy? Or is he busy?" There was pause at the side of the line before he spoke again, this time sounding slightly cautious. "No he ain't but why you wanna talk to him?" Sora guessed something like this must have happen before.

"To give him something to do while you can rest for my call." Chenle hummed, considering the offer. "Sounds tempting. But how do I know you just wanna talk to him and not a stalker or anything like that?" The girl chuckled, before answering. "Just say Sora wants to talk to him. He'll know that name."

Chenle's ears perked up at that name, as he had heard Jisung mentioning about her a few times. "Okay then." He then got up, approaching Jisung who is staring at the laptop, the two of his index fingers tapping the keyboard. The latter turned around, eyeing the former inquisitively.

"The Sora girl wants to talk to you." His brows were raised but nonetheless took the phone from the older. "Hello?" There was sound of something shifting before he heard someone answering.

"How is it like to be working on Saturdays?" The familiar voice said teasingly. Jisung huffed, puffing his cheeks unconsciously. Of course she would call just to poke fun at his misery.

"Shut up." He retorted, clicking his tongue. He turned to Chenle who was looking at him with a raised brow, giving him a reassuring smile before shooing him away with his hand. The Chinese looked at him judgingly before going to the big table to take a few snacks.

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