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Sora placed her bag beside her chair before laying on her bed, feeling slightly drowsy. She was about to drift to sleep when a thought woke her up from her slumber. "Why is it when I want to sleep these ideas came up?" She huffed, feeling annoyed with the circumstances.

Delving into her pocket, she hummed in delight as she brings out her phone. Contemplating either she should call or not, she shrugged before pressing the call icon on the contact named 'Single Reminder'. She silently waited for the call to connect, when a pillow was thrown at her face.

"Ooof." Her voice was muffled but audible, before she lifted the object from her face, looking around in bewilderment to find the culprit. She narrowed her eyes at Chaewon who was standing at her door, an unapologetic grin plastered on her face. "What was that for?" The older shrugged nonchalantly. "I felt like it."

Before Sora could say anything, another voice cut her off. "What was that for? What do you mean?" A rather deep voice spoke up, sounding utterly confused. Sora flinched, startled before realizing it was coming from her phone. "Oh nothing it's just my friend." Sora replied, clicking her tongue when Chaewon snickered as she went back to her room.

Jisung raised a brow before shrugging, deciding to let it slide. "Well surprised to get connected to your phone again." He stated, before emitting a long yawn. Not long after he heard a sound from the other side of the line. "Damn your yawn is contagious." Sora remarked, almost yawning for a second time. "Also it seems like fate that you keep having me." She joked, earning a chuckle from Jisung.

"Alright now back to the point. A new idea popped up?" Sora grinned, humming in agreement. "Well what is it this time?" Sora wasted no time as she said what was in her mind. "A loving bf and the situation is he found out you didn't actually love him. #rebound #kdramasecondlead."

The was a dead silence before Jisung cleared hsi throat. "Damn that's just....sad." The girl furrowed her eyebrows when she heard his voice waver. "Hey you good?" She then heard muffled words coming from him, which cause her to ask him to repeat it again.

"Yeah it's just that's a bit cruel? I don't want it to happen to me and the thought of someone actually went through it makes me want to comfort them." Sora's heart softened hearing those genuine words from the male.

"Well sometimes it's inevitable Andy." She heard a soft hum in agreement before they started their 'roleplay' as Sora likes to call it.

"Hey babe? What's the problem? It's already midnight."

"Andy....I have to say something to you."

"What is it? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I am."

"But I think you wouldn't be after this."

"Sora...what do you mean?"

"I..actually I never really love you."

"What- why? Did I do something that hurts your feelings?"

"No you didn't....you're actually a great boyfriend. I'm just not the one for you."

"Cut the chase Sora just tell me."

"You know how I used to date Daehan."

"Yeah but you said you are slowly forgetting him."

"I'm sorry Andy. I lied."

"So that means...."

"It means I actually still ain't over him."

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