Chapter 16

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"How's this one, babe?" Claude asked as he did a spin to show Florence one of the suits he picked out.

Florence shook his head. "Still not good enough," he sighed and narrowed his eyes at Claude's chest. "And why aren't you buttoning it right?"

"It looks good right?" he smirked and Florence pushed him back into the dressing room. It had been 11 days since Claude met Noah and the day before the banquet. Florence insisted they buy a suit for Claude but he still isn't pleased with any of them.

"There isn't anything which fits my parents' taste," Florence sighed as he felt more impatient. "Maybe we should skip the whole thing and go out of the country."

"Still not finished?" Florence raised his head and saw Sydney grinning widely at him with Raoul greeting him behind Sydney. "Hey, hey~"

"What are you two doing here?" Florence asked as they sat on the couch next to Florence.

"We bumped into each other at the mall and decided to join you two when Raoul got the location from Claude," Sydney explained as he looked at the bags next to Raoul which all belonged to Sydney. "Claude told Raoul that you'll be treating him after this and that's why I came with the amazing idea to tag along~"

Florence turned to Raoul who shrugged. "Don't look at me. I wanted to go home but he dragged me with him."

"I know that feeling," Florence said as Sydney crossed his arms.

"Meanie," he pouted.

Claude pushed the curtain away and stepped out. "Ah, you two made it," Claude grinned and looked at Florence. "How do you like this one?"

Florence crossed his arms as he judged the black suit. "Hm... It looks better on you than the dark gray and dark blue suit which were my top pick..." Florence nodded. "We'll go with this one."

Sydney furrowed his eyebrows. "Why didn't you let him wear the black one first?" he asked.

"I wanted to try something different, but none of the colors I chose would've been appropriate enough to please my parents," he replied and nodded at Claude. "Go and change your clothes."

"Okay." As Florence went to the counter, Claude smiled smugly at Raoul. "I look good, right?" he said, confidence oozing from him.

"You look like a pimp in this one," Raoul replied as he showed the picture in the white suit Claude sent him.

"He kind of does," Sydney giggled.

Claude turned his back to them. "I shouldn't have invited you two," he muttered and went back into the dressing room. After he changed his clothes, he got out and stared at the suit.

"What's the matter?" Florence asked as he took the suit from Claude.

Claude shook his head. "Nothing interesting. I was just thinking about how all the suits fit me perfectly," he said as Florence cocked his head.

"Because I got them tailored," Florence answered. "Tiana gave me your measurements and I chose a few colors which fit you. We don't know when we need another suit so it's best to be prepared."

"You got a point," Claude said as he pulled Florence closer. "You're still down for that meal, right? I found a great place for us~"

"Don't forget about us!" Sydney said, clinging onto Florence's arm.

"Of course," he sighed.

After they got the suit packed, they went with Raoul's car to the small Asian restaurant Claude found when he was going to his parent's place. Raoul parked across from it as Claude commented on how he heard a lot of good things from this place. They went inside as Raoul locked the car and sat down at the table. They looked at the menus as a waiter walked up to them.

"Good evening, how may I help you?" he smiled. They ordered the things which looked the most appetizing and the waiter told them that it'll be done soon.

Sydney turned his phone on and took a selfie of them, leaving Raoul out of the picture. He typed a caption and posted it on his Twitter while the others were too busy talking to each other.

"What are you grinning at?" Raoul asked as he watched Sydney tapped away on his phone.

"A picture," Sydney replied and showed it to Raoul. "I didn't put you in it because I know you don't want the paparazzi on your ass." Sydney scrolled down to the comments and laughed at the people freaking out about Florence and Claude. His laughter died down when he saw the few comments talking about Noah.

"What did Noah post then?" Sydney wondered and went to his account. He gasped when he saw the photo Noah took with Florence on set. "What the fuck? Florence!"

"What?" he asked and got Sydney's phone shoved in his face.

Florence pushed Sydney's phone out of his face and looked at the picture and caption. Claude rested his head onto Florence's shoulder and also looked at the picture. "He's trying to piss me off, huh?" Claude thought out loud.

"I think so? I don't know what he's trying to achieve. He doesn't even want to look at my face," Florence said as Claude and Sydney glanced at each other with doubt.

Claude grabbed Florence's phone. "Come here," he said, pulled Florence to him, and took a few selfies while Raoul and Sydney watched them be all lovey-dovey.

"Don't you ever feel a little envy when you see them like this?" Sydney asked.

Raoul shook his head. "Not envy, only disgust that my friend does this in public," he replied and grimaced when Claude kissed Florence's cheek. "Yikes..."

"Post these," Claude said, pointing at three pictures he took.

Florence snatched his phone back as he tried to keep his face cool. "Did you have to kiss me?" he hissed while the tingling sensation didn't leave his cheek.

"Why not? It's fun to piss him off~' Claude smirked and lifted Florence's chin. "Don't you think?"

Sydney grabbed Florence's phone and posted the tweet for them. "It's done," he said and fist-bumped Claude. "Don't look at me like that. Noah started it and I want to help my friends out," he smiled as Florence glared at him.

"C'mon, Flory. What's the worst that could happen? It's nothing big," Claude said and went to kiss Florence's cheek again.

The waiter walked up to them and raised his eyebrow at the sight of Florence pushing Claude's face from him. "Here's the food you've ordered."

A/N MAN FUCK MAHITO WHY AM I STILL READING JJK? Btw I simp for Toji, Nanami, and Gojo so if you read the manga you know my pain. That's it for this episode of "My Boyfriend Is Rich And Buys Shit For Me"! There's a high chance that I'll take a short hiatus when this first arc is finished, which will finish around chapter 20. I'm almost 18 and I just graduated so I have a lot of things to prepare. Insurance, buying shit for college, things with the bank etc. Well, I still have a month left. I'll be finishing it tonight and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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