Chapter 12

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"Dinner is ready!" Tiana shouted from the kitchen. "Come in here before Claude eats everything!"

"Why would I?!" Claude shouted at her and the others heard a loud smack coming from the kitchen.

Florence looked concerned in the direction of the kitchen. "Is he alright?" he wondered. "Should I check up on him?"

Soraya stood up from the couch and grinned at Florence who wasn't sure if he was supposed to check on Claude. "Hm, I wonder what mom made today," she spoke, catching Florence's attention. She smiled at him and nodded at the kitchen. "Let's go look. Claude must be waiting for you."

"Sure," Florence smiled and followed her to the kitchen with the rest close behind. When he walked in, he saw Claude rubbing the back of his neck. Claude saw him standing at the entrance and grinned at him which made Florence more at ease.

Claude went up to him as he raised his eyebrow. "Is something wrong, Flory? What did Sora say?" he asked, whipping his head towards her and glaring at her. Soraya, who took a place at the table, narrowed her eyes at him out of confusion.

Florence chuckled and brushed a curl out of Claude's face. "Nothing serious," he smiled and sat down across Soraya at the table.

"Eat as much as you like, Florence," Tiana said as the others began scooping some food on their plates. "I've made enough for seconds, so eat at your heart's content."

"Alright," he nodded and turned back to the food on the table. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to put on his plate since it was his first time seeing food made like this.

Claude saw him struggling with what to choose and grabbed Florence's plate from him. He scanned all the dishes and put a few things he was sure that Florence would like on his plate. "There you go," Claude said, handing Florence the plate.

"Thank you," he mumbled and put the full plate back down.

"Tell me if you want more, okay?" Claude said and heard Soraya groaning at him again. "What? Are you jealous that I actually have a boyfriend?" he smirked at her.

"Leave her alone Claude," Tiana scolded and turned to Florence who was eating with a pleased look on his face. "How can you actually deal with my son?" she sighed.

"I still don't know how. He does like to act very childishly," Florence chuckled as he looked at Claude who was bickering with Soraya. "But it's a trait of his that I like."

Claude overheard them and put his hand on Florence's shoulder. "Thanks, babe~," he said and lightly kissed Florence's cheek, causing the twins and Tiana to gasp.

As his heart began to race, Florence put his hand on his hot cheek. "Keep calm Florence, it's just for show," he reminded himself as he tried to keep cool about it.

Maurice kept eating his food as if nothing happened as Soraya scrunched her face up at Claude. "Are you done?" Soraya asked as Claude sneered at her.

"Aw, you guys are so cute!" Tiana squealed. "How did you two meet?"

"Well, we-"

"Shut up Claude! I want to hear it from Florence, not your ass," Tiana cut him off and smiled at Florence. "So how did you two meet, Florence?"

"We met online when we were playing a game. I was streaming and I joined Claude who didn't know who I was. While we continued playing and talking these months, I started to get feelings for him and asked him out two weeks ago," Florence explained as the others listened intently. "And everything has been going great since that."

"How sweet," Tiana cooed and glared at Claude. "Why haven't you told me sooner?" she demanded as Claude shrugged.

"Didn't feel like it," he replied, shoving a spoonful of rice in his mouth. "Was I supposed to?" he said with his mouth full.

Florence slapped Claude's hand. "Don't speak with your mouth full," he scolded.

"Wait. When did you break up with Diana then?" Sara asked Claude. "Or did you cheat on the both of them?"

Tiana looked with bulging eyes at Claude. "WHAT?!" she yelled and pointed her knife at Claude. "Is that true?!"

"No?" Claude rolled his eyes. "I broke up with her after Florence's confession and told him about it. Right?" Florence nodded. "See? I would never do something like that, unlike you Sara."

"I was in middle school when that happened!" she shouted as Claude snickered to fuel her anger. "That was six years ago! What do you expect from a ten-year-old?!"

"That they won't cheat on their partner," Claude replied, looking smugly at her as the grip on Sara's fork tightened. "What? You're getting mad? Aw, boo boo~"

"Claude, that's enough. You don't have to start some bullshit right now," Maurice said. "Anyway, I'm just glad that you're not together with Donna anymore."

"Her name's Diana. And I thought you liked her," Jasmine spoke.

Maurice shook his head. "I didn't like the vibe she gave off. It was something like... like she was forcing herself to act like she was from the hood or something. Y'know?" he said as Soraya nodded in agreement.

"She wants to be black so bad," Soraya nodded. "And Claude was dating a girl like that... It took a while, but at least his taste changed for the better. And that confirms that he still has a brain in that head of his."

"Say that to my face," Claude smiled with a threatening aura. "I dare you, say it-"

Claude glanced at Florence's side and saw that Florence put his hand on his fist. He looked at Florence who smiled softly at him. He loosened his fist and crossed his arms. "She's spouting shit anyway," he muttered as the others furrowed their eyebrows.

"But it's the truth though."

After two hours of Claude bickering with his family and Florence calming him down over and over again, they left and were back home. Florence pushed the door open as Claude let out a deep sigh.

"Finally!" Claude cheered and took his bomber jacket off. "I thought that we would never leave."

"Why? It was fun with your family," Florence said as he put his shoes in the shoe rack. "They are very nice people."

"Nice?! Where did you see "nice"?" Claude dramatically looked down at the floor as he felt betrayed by his own family. "The only thing that they did was make fun of me in front of you. Like they're better than me, WHICH THEY'RE NOT!" he cried as Florence patted his head.

"I never thought that you're less cool after all the things they said," Florence muttered.

Claude turned to him with puppy eyes. "Please marry me," he whispered. Before Florence could act flustered, the doorbell rang. They glanced at the door. "Who could that be?" Claude asked as Florence opened the door.

Florence was surprised when he saw Adrian standing in front of him. "Florence, we need to talk."

A/N FINALLY J COLE IS GONNA DROP A NEW ALBUM!!!! Finally, something new that I can listen to while writing instead of IGOR or an anime ost. In my opinion, this book is going pretty well. At the end of the month, I can decide if I'll post two times a week or stay with the same schedule. AND I'm going to rewrite At Gunpoint. I haven't written on it since the end of December because I don't feel the vibe of it anymore. It's just that I'm not happy with the plot and the first few chapters get on my nerves. But that's a problem after the exams. I'm gonna enjoy the last hours of freedom (I have to study next week) and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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