Chapter 3

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"How did it go yesterday?" Raoul asked as Claude threw some hair products at him and told him to put them in one of the suitcases.

"Alright, I guess," he replied and closed the biggest suitcase when he saw that all his clothes were in it. "We hit it off pretty well, so I don't think that we'll have many problems in the future."

"But what about your girl though? What if she's gonna be annoying again and asks you to move back in?" Raoul glanced at Claude with a worried expression. "You're not gonna tell me that you'll run back to her, right? Don't forget, the only reason you were living with her was that you needed a place to stay."

"I know that," Claude sighed and tightened his knot. "All that just depends on how our relationship unfolds."

Raoul narrowed his eyes. "With who? Your girl or that new chick?" he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. "Bruh, I'm telling you, just break up with Diana dude. You don't even know why you're together with her and she only likes you because you're black! You know what they say, we have that BBC. Big, black co-"

"Yeah, yeah shut the fuck up," Claude cut him off and threw a hairbrush at his head. Raoul swiftly moved his head to the side and the hairbrush landed in the suitcase.

"I'm just trying to look out for you, man. I've always been right about your relationships and I'm telling you, this six month- wait how long have y'all been together?"

Claude frowned as he thought back to when they got together. "Um, four or five months?" he guessed, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't remember it that well."

"See?! On God, I'll take you away from her. These months were a waste of your time! Look how she doesn't care about what happens to you! And all this drama was because of what?" he asked as Claude sat down across him.

"She thinks I'm cheating on her with a friend I met online," he said. "I understand where she comes from, but I think it's a bit absurd to think that even after reading all the messages without telling me."

Raoul let out a low whistle. "Damn, not even giving you privacy while she's being all secretive," he muttered.

"Where did you get that from?"

He raised his eyebrow at Claude and shook his head with disappointment. "You told me about it when you were drunk as fuck, remember?" Claude couldn't remember that night. "You got dead drunk and told me about your struggles with Diana. So I know everything already."

Claude didn't respond. "How much did I drink to tell him everything?" A brief memory of them drinking rum and vodka flashed through his mind. He looked back at Raoul, squinting his eyes. "What did this bitch give to me?"

"Don't look at me like that. I tried to stop you," Raoul said when Claude glared at him. "And I really did try! But when I took one bottle away from you, you had another already in your hand."

"Never mind that," he groaned as he got up from the ground. "We don't have time for useless things. Diana will be here in ten minutes and I want to be gone before she sees me." Claude let out an irritated sigh at just thinking about what the outcome would be if they stayed there any longer.

"Yeah, yeah," Raoul grumbled and grabbed a suitcase and a duffel bag. "C'mon then. You don't have a lotta shit, so we don't have to make two trips."

"Start going then," he said, pushing the suitcase Raoul was holding. Raoul clicked his tongue at him and complained about Claude's rushing. He rolled his eyes as he grabbed the other suitcase and dragged it out of the apartment. After one last look at the front door, he locked it and turned his back to it, relieved that he doesn't have to live there anymore.

"Maybe I should just break up with her," he thought, sighing at the thought of Diana's overreacting. They went down the elevator and put the luggage in Raoul's car.

"Are you sad?" Raoul asked as Claude shut the car door shut. "I don't know about you, but I'd see this as a win-win."

"I'm not sad," Claude said and looked out of the window. "...I think I'm going to break up with her the next time I see her. I'm done with this shit."

"I knew you were smart," Raoul grinned and slapped his back. "That bitch is like a parasite on your dick."

Claude screwed up his face. "Why did you have to say it like that?" he questioned, pinching the bridge of his nose at Raoul's shrug.

"It's true though," he said and tapped on the steering wheel to the beat of the song. Ten minutes passed by and Raoul parked at Florence's apartment building. He looked up at it from the car and couldn't believe that his friend was going to live there from now on.

Claude got out and opened the back door. "What are you waiting for? Give me a hand," he said and shut the door after taking out his suitcase.

Raoul whipped his head to Claude with a look of disbelief on his face. "You sure we at the right place?" he shouted. Claude nodded his head and Raoul glanced at the apartment complex. "Well, shit," he whispered and got out of the car.

They got the rest of Claude's belongings out and went into the building. Inside, Claude pressed for the elevator and in a matter of seconds, the door opened. He pressed for the top floor and heard Raoul mutter about Florence being rich. When the doors opened again, they got out and Raoul followed Claude to the apartment.

"And we made it," Claude announced.

Raoul's eyebrows shot to the roof. "Wait, how rich is she?" he asked, talking about Florence. "Is she your sugar momma or something?"

Claude scrunched his face up and pressed the doorbell. "What kind of bullshit are you saying?" He paused and raised his eyebrow at Raoul. "But that wouldn't be bad, to be honest..."

"I knew you'd say that," he smirked.

They turned to the door when it opened and looked at Florence who glared at them out of stress.

Florence's face softened when he saw Claude looking at him confused and cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, but can you come sometime later? You can leave your luggage out here," he whispered hastily.

Claude frowned at Florence's uneasiness. "Why? Did something happen?"

"It's nothing. I'll explain it to you-"

"Oh? And who may this be?" Florence glared at the older man behind him. The man looked at Claude and Raoul from head to toe and put his hand on his chin. "These two aren't models I recognize... Are these people from your university?"

Florence glanced between Claude and Raoul who were eyeing each other confused. He turned around to the older man and clasped himself to Claude's arm. "He's my boyfriend," he said and kissed Claude's cheek.

Claude's eyes widened as he slowly turned his head to Raoul. "Huh?!"

A/N not related to this, but they announced a rerun banner of a character I desperately wanted but didn't get yesterday and I've been stressing ever since. And the test week is starting this Friday, so only pain. But never mind that, thank you for reading this chapter. I'll be back in a week, as usual. I'll be grinding and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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