Chapter 9: The Aftermath

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"AAGH!!" He threw me against the wall near the closed cubicle, my mind was still buzzing; blurring the reality that is happening right now. The glimpse of sighting his horrible glare got me widen my eyes into utter confusion and suspicion, it's very rare to see him act like this. I brushed my forehead and squint my eyes a bit, as I slowly see him walking towards me, giving me the face of a killer. I helped my body to stand with the help of my hands pushing the wall.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you acting so suddenly like this??!"

"You got me real tired of this bullshit Singa...I wish I didn't just met you." He knocked me off with those words and was still giving me questions on why the hell is he acting like this.


"I said I WISH I DIDN'T JUST MET YOU!!" He ran after me and was about to punch me in the face but I quickly run near the window and the sink; seeing that his punch went through the wall instead; leaving small cracks from it. Every countryhuman got that super strength whenever they get angry or is willing to fight something, and this means he's already threatening me. It sure is weird because our bodies and maia be very strong. After all, this universe is utterly weak without our natural habits; most countries that are born with overpowered strength are possibly considered egotistical monsters and other negative adjectives out there, like the powerhouses.

"Malaya what the hell are you talking about?! Weren't we just fine awhile ago??!"

"It was a mistake to take you back, I do recall what you did last time." ....

"It was disgusting.....COME BACK WITH YOUR FAVORITE TEACHER!" The teacher he meant was China. He suddenly started throwing hands over me; swiftly started fighting me with martial arts. Then I realize something...

"Martial arts...? China??" As I keep dodging and move backwards. Malay show more of himself...there's now 4 Malays in front of me.

"Cloning him right now for what??!" It was his clones again, but it still gives me questions.

"That's right...I only see you awake and because you're one of the most useful kids I've ever trained before, it would've been nice if you join your side again with me." He uses my boyfriend as a clone to show up and advocate me again on his side. This is so weird, it got me real worried.

"I don't wanna join you anymore China, I can do things on my own."

"You really wanna believe what I'm saying is true? I only need you because of your pitiful friend's existence." He started walking towards me again.

"Huhh?????" It still got me confused with that response.

"I'm kidnapping you, you can blame this later from your "pipin" friend." Does he meant Phil?? The clones started running after me as I started attacking them with my maia.

"FLASHBANG!" A large flash of light were produce as they started getting blinded from the bright light and the intense ring of noise it produce, it got me time to escape as I use the window as the exit. I run away from the cabin and enter the woods, making sure they won't easily caught me. But this can also be a bad idea if they still did. My maia works only with electricity, I can flash lightbulbs and other electronics and even simultaneously break them as an attack to the enemy. It's not that easy...I am just not into fighting.

I quietly hid behind the bushes as I peak to what's happening at the cabin that I ran off to...him and the clones are gone...

Where are they? The flashbang has already faded so they could've run somewhere. I glanced down from the ground seeing small liquids streaming right next to me until the water suddenly pushed me upwards like a fountain. It got me squealing in pain from the punch it hit me from the backbone. The water suddenly forms to a human figure that looks a lot like us but I cannot understand what it is; grinning before me and hugs me tight to not let go. Then I glance back to the cabin and saw the clones running right after me. I did all my best to let go from the water person and released flashbang again. The water dispersed as I started falling back near the cabin, I run back to its entrance; planning to go back inside and call anyone out to help me. 

Countryhumans: Ring Of Fire AU [VOLUME 1] [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now