Lan Qiren thought it was wise of him to do so since due to their cultivation of resentful energy, the sabers used by the Nie Clan eventually begin to affect their owner's state of mind. As a result, nearly every Nie Clan Leader has eventually grown irritable and died of a qi deviation.

Lan Qiren's eyes spotted Jin Jixuan, the only legitimate child and the heir to the Lanling Jin clan.

He was born fair-skinned and healthy and is considered quite handsome. His features are vibrant and his figure striking.

Jin Zixuan is exceptionally intelligent, and this, coupled with his looks and status, leads to his well-known arrogance that Lan Qiren didn't know how he would manage.

Lanling Jin clan, he learned over the years, love to flaunt their considerable wealth.

Members of the Lanling Jin Clan wear delicately embroidered clothes that display a magnificent white peony on their chests – their crest symbol, the Sparks-Amidst-Snow. They wear a vermilion mark between their eyes to symbolize their openness towards wisdom and aspiration, and their intention to "illuminate the world with vermilion light."

But none of the heirs stand out as much as Wei Wuxian, the second young master of the Celestial Sanren sect.

At first, when Qiren was quite young, he couldn't get why the Sanren sect chose to call their empire of a territory, Celestial valley, and their official p̶a̶l̶a̶c̶e̶  or manor, Celestial mountains.

He furthermore couldn't understand why the other major sects and the whole of Qin accepted it.

He even thought it was just arrogant.

But then on a fateful cultivation conference, accompanied by his older brother who was now in seclusion after losing himself to a woman and his late father who was the then sect leader.

He saw how beautiful all of the Sanren disciples looked.

The immortal sect leader herself was a vision dressed in the famous Sanren sect's black and white as if they saw the world in black and white. As if they were gods who knew everything.

He changed his opinion immediately.

Baoshan Sanren was blessed with a beauty that surpassed the gods.

All of them looked inhuman with powerful spiritual auras and their faces carved out of porcelain.

It was clear that God took a lot of time making them and her daughter was just as beautiful, she looked as pure as a lily.

Her beauty was well matched with her wits. Her Son, pristine and wise with a never-ostentatious beauty, looks modest and unpolluted with no stains of the dirtiness of politics.

The now-deceased Zhan Yi leaving sect leader Sanren as a widow and a single mother of two kids.

But her daughter that she ever was besotted with died along with her son-in-law, leaving with only her son and a grandson.

Her grandson, now a teenager and it was clear that he took after his maternal regal genetics.

Even Lan Qiren himself has never seen someone as exquisite as him, neither his mother nor uncle or grandmother could rival his beauty.

After they settle down and are in the middle of the gifting ceremony, a rather rude company of a group consisting of Wen disciples dressed in white and red, head to toe. They also loved to show off their wealth, that much was obvious.

From the way, the person leading the group dressed to look like royalty, only if it wasn't for the ugly and childish sneer he wore that wasn't even near regal.

 'Considering the rather arrogant and at the same time so foolish sneer that disciple wore, if it was Wen Xu he would walk in right with a glare as he is known to be cruel and cold at the time, the second young master of the wen sect, it must be then' Wei Wuxian quickly calculated, his eyes studying them.

The group moved to the end of the classroom, where Lan Qiren sat. They walked arrogantly, well, at least, their leader walked like that. The guards and disciples walking behind him as if it's a procession had emotionless expressions, making them look cruel and distant.

However, the duo walking right behind were different, it was clear they were part of the main branch, wearing the infamous red-white sect clothing of the Wen sect.

Wei Wuxian could easily tell that they were important individuals in the Wen sect.

He heard of an unspoken rule in Qishan Inner walls: ' The redder they wore, the more important they were.

The female looked confident, not arrogant and the supposedly younger male trailing behind the lady looked frail and shy. He had a pretty face while her sister having a fierce beauty.

Wen Chao went to stand only a couple of feet away from the high table where Lan Qiren was standing followed by his entourage.

"My father despises these studies and deems them unnecessary as Qishan's education is more than enough, I couldn't agree more so", Wen Chao said with an arrogant smirk.

'Then If your education was as good as you say, then you wouldn't be here in gusu inner walls making a complete fool out of yourself', Wei Wuxian thought but he didn't voice out.

The reason behind it was that he wouldn't mind being the spectator this time other than being the one gawked upon.

"Then, what is your reason for coming here? Young master Wen, would you like to join the study too?" Lan Qiren said with a polite expression but nothing was polite about it.

Wei Wuxian held back a chuckle, he was starting to like Lan Qiren more.

Wei Ying wanted to call him a peacock but then remembered A-Cheng calling Jin Zixuan a peacock, he had to choose another bird for a nickname.

"Of course not, Lan Qiren!" Wen Chao screamed or clucked. Wei Wuxian decided that the name 'fat chicken' would suit the second young master more.

Calling an elder, especially someone as esteemed as Lan Qiren by his actual name, Wen Chao already broke almost 6 rules of Celestial mountains.

He respected Lan Qiren because he was old, not stupid.

Wen Chao looked flustered, face red from embarrassment and fury but then he suddenly held back himself putting on that ugly smirk again, Wei Wuxian raised an eyebrow at that. His opinion was so low that he thought the second wen master would go back and whine to his father.

"My cousins, however, expressed extraordinary interest in joining the study and I hope you don't mind taking them in", Wen Chao said, his voice laced in a threatening manner, he then pointed at the duo behind him.

Lan Qiren glanced at them, he caught the apologetic stare that the woman gave him and the boy looked everywhere but him.

This duo was different from the main branch although they were part of it.

"Of course, Cloud Recesses will welcome any disciples who are willing to study here." Lan Qiren spoke in a steel tone.

Wei Wuxian thought the drama was over until-







This chapter came earlier than I thought but here you go people! 😳🤭

I hope you enjoy this chapter!😌

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Which ship should be the endgame?😉

1) wangxian (Y'all know)

2) ChengXian (Jiang Cheng/Wei Wuxian)

3) HuaiXian (Nie huaisang x Wei Wuxian)

4)XuXian (Jin Jixuan x Wei Wuxian)

Stay safe dear readers! ❤️💕

-Sincerely author-san

Prince Wei Of Celestial Mountains /MDZS FANFIC /original/Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora