The Doctor and The Warden- final part

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(A/N: Before we begin the final chapter I would like to remind you that season two will be a different book. Also, it may be abrupt but we will be skipping straight to Tooth and Claw, This is because it would be extremely difficult to write the Warden into these stories since The Christmas Invasion is very much a DoctorLite story and it would be hard to write him into the dynamic of New Earth. I hope that's not a problem. Make sure to hop on my discord server or keep an eye on my announcements to see when it comes out. It should be soon.)

The Doctor pulls up the lever of the device he has put together. 

The Doctor: It's ready! 

The Warden looks up as the Daleks begin to file into the room, surrounding them. 

The Doctor: You really wanna think about this. 'Cos if I activate the signal, every living creature dies. 

Emperor Dalek: I am immortal. 

The Doctor: D'you wanna put that to the test? 

Emperor Dalek: I want to see you become like me. Hail the Doctor, the Great Exterminator! 

The Doctor: I'll do it! 

Emperor Dalek: Then prove yourself, Doctor. What are you: coward or killer? 

The Doctor's hands tense on the lever. He shakes, his face screwed up in pain. Then, The Warden gently pulls The Doctor's hands off it. 

The Warden: Coward. Any day. 

Emperor Dalek: Mankind will be harvested because of your weakness. 

The Doctor: And what about us? Are we becoming two of your angels? 

Emperor Dalek: You are the Heathens. You will be exterminated. 

The Warden: Maybe it's time. 

And he closes his eyes, ready. The Daleks all around him. Suddenly, one of the Dalek's eyepieces swivels around as we hear the sound of the TARDIS engines. It begins to fade in at exactly the point where it left. 

The Doctor and the Warden ( Male time lord reader ) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now