Boom town- final part

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Margaret: I promise you, I've changed since we last met, Warden. There was this girl... just today... young thing. Something of a danger. She was getting too close. I felt the blood lust rising, just as the family taught me, I was going to kill her without a thought. And then... I stopped. She's alive somewhere right now, she's walking around this city because I can change, I did change. I know I can't prove it... 

The Warden: I believe you. 

Margaret: Then you know I'm capable of better. 

The Warden: It doesn't mean anything. 

Margaret: I spared her life. 

The Warden: You let one of them go, but that's nothing new. Every now and then, a little victim's spared. Because she smiled... because he's got freckles... 'cos they begged... and that's how you live with yourself. That's how you slaughter millions. Because once in a while, on a whim, if the wind's in the right direction... you happen to be kind. 

Margaret: Only a killer would know that. 

Not the answer the Warden was expecting, and he's thrown. 

Margaret: Is that right? From what I've seen, your happy-go-lucky little life leaves devastation in its wake. Always moving on 'cos you dare not look back. Playing with so many peoples lives, you might as well be a God. 

The Warden loses eye contact, slightly hurt. 

Margaret: And you're right, Warden... you're absolutely right. Sometimes... you let one go. 

She looks into the Warden's eyes, her own full of tears. 

Margaret: Let me go. 

She definitely touched a nerve. The Warden stares at her at a loss, he doesn't know what to do. Rose and Mickey are sitting side by side on the bench. She's stroking his hands. 

Mickey: I'm not asking you to leave them, because I know that's not fair. But I just need something, yeah? Some sort of promise that when you do come back, you're coming back for me. 

Rose spins around as she hears a low rumbling in the distance. 

Rose: Is that thunder? 

Mickey: Does it matter? 

Rose: That's not thunder. 

Margaret is speaking quickly now, her desperation growing. 

Margaret: In the family Slitheen, we had no choice. I was made to carry out my first kill at thirteen. If I'd refused, my father would have fed me to the Venom Grubs. 

The Warden's head turns to the side as he also hears the low rumble. 

Margaret: If I'm a killer, it's because I was born to kill, it's all I know! 

No reply, as the Warden is listening to the rumble intently with his brow furrowed. 

Margaret: Warden? Are you even listening to me? 

The Warden: Can you hear that? 

Margaret: I'm begging for my life! 

The Warden: No, listen, shush... 

He holds up a hand to silence Margaret. He peers at the glasses on the table, which are beginning to shake slightly. Very suddenly, the glass windows shatter and the diners begin to scream. A street light smashes and passers-by shriek. Baffled, Mickey looks around for Rose but she's already running in the direction of the TARDIS. 


The Warden and Margaret hurry down a flight of stairs, the sound of screaming and smashing in the background. Margaret is falling behind... 

The Doctor and the Warden ( Male time lord reader ) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now