Hello Lovelies

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Hello all my beautiful friends!

If you're reading this I'm glad you're here. And I hoped you read the first two stories (lol). Here's the final story in this trilogy. Big shoutout to Nata5hax for helping inspire the title to this final story! ❤️

Ahhh it feels so weird to say this! I didn't think I'd ever actually do it, but I'm so excited to continue/ close this journey for these characters.

If you've stuck around this long and continue to finish this with me until the end THANK YOU. Seriously thank you. It means so much and I love to read all your comments! It's been so fun for me 🥰

Please be patient with chapter updates, I am still writing this! But I do feel inspired and want to get back and finish this! So I'm posting now to keep me accountable!

As always I hope you enjoy, and I would love to hear your thoughts 💜

The Deep End Trilogy-
Book 1- The Deep End
Book 2- Sink or Swim
Book 3- The Sea of You & Me

The Sea of You & MeWhere stories live. Discover now