6 . The Three Claps

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Warning - Mature content ahead . The male lead does exhibit toxic behaviour. If you are not comfortable with such content , kindly skip .

" First clap. "

A feminine voice rang out in the empty corridor, the hardwood floor creaking with each step. A girl was wandering around, her hands moving aimlessly in an attempt to catch the three small devils that were hiding. Despite the scarf that was put across her eyes, blocking her eyesight, she knew they were all laughing at her.

"Boys , this is called cheating . You must clap to give me the hint." She whined .

The three small toddlers laughed again, their laughter muffled by their tiny hands covering their mouths. When the eldest child was ready to clap to let their guardian know where they were hiding , another clap rang out from the hall .

The girl dashed into the hall after hearing the clap that could be heard even from the corridor, unknowing that it wasn't the children who clapped. She gently flung her arms across to trap the one who clapped .

" Gotchaa . " She giggled .

However her excitement turned into fear within a moment realizing that she was hugging the torso of a well grown man . She was about to back off when two muscular arms snaked around her waist trapping her . She felt the man draw closer to her as he sniffed her hair , causing her to thrash in his grasp as her hands feverishly tried to remove the blind fold .

" Shhhh . Just one kiss and then I'll leave .. " He purred into her ears , his hands cupping her breast over her frilled frock . He slowly untied the knot , the scarf sliding off her eyes that were shedding tears in disgust and embarrassment .

" Please .... Please don't . This is a sin . My sister ... she .... " She hiccupped , unable to finish her sentence . Her body trembled , as if on the verge of a panic attack .

" Don't you worry , my beauty , Don't you worry. Your sister won't ever find about us , and even if she did I know how to shut her mouth . "

He slurred , his hands caressing her womanhood over the beautiful ruffle dress while he rubbed his erect member on her plump ass . She snapped her face away from him, he reeked off stale alcohol . She knew it was pointless fighting him for this was something that happened everyday.

" P-Please try to understand . The kids are watching us . they are very little .. "

She continued with her pleadings , her eyes fixed on the three little figures that were silently witnessing her assault . A sense of determination overpowered her senses , She won't expose her children to the malice of the world , she won't let this man rip off her dignity . She won't give into his lustful demands ever .

" Alas . Those three scumbags always ruin my fun . Why don't you throw the bastards away and move in with me . I can give you the world . The entire fucking world . " He whispered while undoing the zip of his pants .

" Get off me right now or else I'll report this to my sister . " She snarled , her hands trying to get out of his clutches with the remaining strength in her body .

However her bravado was quickly silenced by a smack that landed right on her face . Her left cheek that had turned crimson red was stinging painfully from the impact of his strike .

" Ungrateful bitch . " He growled as he gripped her hair , wrapping the luscious brown locks around his fist .

" Don't forget that you and your scumbags still live off my scraps. " He spat on the wooden floor on which the three little children and their guardian were earlier playing three claps utterly unaware off the havoc that was about to ensue .

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