17│Idas' Method

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Training sessions.

Personal, private, training sessions.

Apparently, that's what it took to earn Luciano's trust.

I wasn't exaggerating when I said these meetings were private. There would be no one in the basement as we trained, no one in the gym. In fact, no one anywhere. It was just me and him, out on the floor.

Also, it seemed, there was a lot to learn. The offer of this position had been mulling over in my head for a while now, ever since it was offered. I wasn't exactly given the opportunity on whether or not I actually wanted to do it. I had never considered murder, at least, not in my line of work. As I tested the word on my tongue, it didn't seem like very much at all. Yet I was still filled with a certain kind of dread. Other than that, I couldn't deny that the job was perfect for me. It's all I have been doing for the past four years, except now, I can count it as an actual part of my job.

I suppose if murder came with it, then that was that. Whatever gets the job done.

I was heading back down to the basement for today's session. I already knew that Luciano would be waiting therefore me. He always was. I gulped as the thought passed over my mind, causing a bead of sweat to form on my temple.

I was getting Stockholm Syndrome.

That was something that I had already decided, though I was going everything in my power to try and avoid it. But I couldn't help some of the emotions that had been wracking my body. Luciano was attractive, unreasonably attractive. I couldn't help but be half in love with him just based on his looks alone. And the fact that I knew he was experienced? I clenched my thighs a little tighter as I walked. Based on what I had seen and heard, Luciano would be perfect. Rough, hard, and wouldn't give a fuck.

Exactly what I wanted.

I couldn't help but wish that this whole thing was different. That he hadn't kidnapped me, and that he hadn't technically just made himself my boss.

But I couldn't get rid of that damned knotted feeling in my stomach. It was torturous, and even worse, it never left me alone. No matter what I did in my attempts to get rid of it. But it didn't matter. I knew myself, and as long as Luciano kept to himself, which for the most part he has been, there should be no problem at all.

I walked through the empty gym, knowing that Luciano would be on the other side of that door, waiting for me to turn up.

Carefully and quietly, I pushed the door open, revealing myself to the wave of heat that fluttered through from a mixture of the enclosed space and constant sweating. It was only when I locked eyes on Luciano did that wave of heat suddenly move onto my body.

He always remained clothed, so torturously and thankfully closed. I have no idea what the reasoning behind his actions was right now, but today, he wasn't.

He was standing with his back to me, showing off that gorgeous, olive tanned skin that I had become so accustomed to on the people around me. Not only that but the tattoos. I could see his back pieces clearly. They both connected from his arms, rolling up and taking over his shoulder blades. It almost looked like a battle, wolves connecting with snakes who were leading onto lions. All surrounding a deadly skull, placed right in the centre of his upper back, right near the top of his spine. The snake seemed to be curled around the base of the skull, while the lion and the wolf were poised to attack. Then, following the curvature of his spine was a dagger. It was all lines and simplicity, almost as if the reference dagger was more for decoration use over killing. It was beautiful. But of course, one couldn't deny the muscles that ran over this back, the sweat glistening and running down in droplets-

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