The Blessing of A Second Child

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Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane was only 8 months when Lady Karissa discovered once again that she was expecting Lord Andrew Charles and her second child that would be born in October of 2276.

Lady Karissa wasn't the only of the wives that were expecting in the year of 2276.

Lady Sarah Howard, the second wife and Duchess of Lord Charles Andrew JR was expecting her first child in early October of 2276, Lady Suzanne Howard, wife and Duchess of Lord Richard Edward JR was also expecting their first child in September along and Lady Katherine Beck was expecting their first child in December of 2276 and not mention that Lady Victoria the wife of Lord Charles Andrew III announces that she was expecting a child in August of 2276. It would be a busy year for Lord David William Beck.

Lord David Beck looks at his wife, Lady Suzanne and he says, " It's going to be a busy year for me in 2276. All you damn women became pregnant. It is a curse to be born in the Howard family."

Lady Katherine looks at her husband, "Didn't Lady Karissa say that Howard men were good breeders. You stick in and swish it about and the wives become pregnant."

'I think she said something to that effect to Lord Andrew Charles." Lord David confesses.

"Lady Victoria is due in August, Lady Suzanne is due in September, Lady Sarah and Lady Karissa are due in October and finally you are due in December." Lord David tells her.

"How do we know that the child is Lord Charles Andrew III?" Lady Katherine asks.

"Lord Andrew Charles has ordered a DNA test on all three when the child is born. He isn't about to bestow a title on another man's child or give the child any part of Lord Charles Andrew's trust fund that he set up for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I know that Lady Elizabeth, our child, Lord Richard Edward JR and Lord Charles Andrew JR child will receive their part of the trust fund."

"Has Lady Karissa told Lord Andrew Charles that she is expecting their second child?" Lady Katherine asks.

"No, I don't think she has told him yet. " Lord David tells his wife.


Lord Andrew Charles is in his study at Beltane Manor looking over paperwork left behind by his father and Lady Karissa knocks on the door " Are you busy Lord Andrew Charles?"

Lord Andrew Charles looks up from his desk and he smiles, " I can use the break from this tedious paperwork that my father left behind."

"What's on your mind Lady Karissa?" Lord Andrew Charles asks her.

Lady Karissa walks over to him and she hands him the ultrasound and pregnancy test and he looks at them and asks, " What is this?"

"It's an ultrasound picture and pregnancy test." Lady Karissa tells him.

Lord Andrew Charles looks up at her and smiles, "When is this child due?"

"This child is due in October of 2276." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Look at the ultrasound picture closely." Lady Karissa tells him.

Lord Andrew Charles looks at the ultrasound and says, " It's our baby alright but what is the gender?"

"Our second daughter ." Lady Karissa answers.

"What names have you picked out for this child?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"I have chosen Samhain, to honor The Second most important Pagan Sabbat of Pagan New Year and I thought we would honor Lord Frederick William and use Wilhelmina and your grandfather and father, Lord Charles and use Charlene." Lady Karissa tells him.

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