The Weekend at Balmoral Manor

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The Weekend at Balmoral Manor

Lord Andrew Charles and Karissa arrive at Balmoral Manor and he helps her out of the carriage that brought them to Balmoral.

"My father gave Balmoral Manor to my mother for a wedding present and she gave it to me for my graduation present." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"My father moved the family into the family estate of Norfolk Estate that my great-great-grandfather erected when he first arrived on Star Base 12." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I want to take you to meet my father and mother. You may have remembered my father upon arrival." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I do recall several gentlemen who greeted us." Karissa confesses.

"One of those gentlemen who did was my father and some of the other Dukes of Star Base 12." Lord Andrew Charles.

"I noticed one particular handsome gentleman and he gave me a ride to Madame's." Karissa admits.

"You must be talking about my first cousin twice removed, Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford." Lord Andrew Charles asks her.

"I didn't catch his name." Karissa admits.

"Lord Richard William Carey is my first cousin twice removed, Lord Thomas William is my first cousin twice removed, and Lord Frederick William III is first cousin once removed." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"You have a very large family and it can be confusing." Karissa tells him.

My great-grandfather had four children, Lord Frederick William is from his eldest son, Lord Frederick William JR, Lord Richard William Carey is from his only daughter, Lady Sophia Charlotte, and Lord Thomas William is from his youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles and I am from his second son, Lord Charles Andrew SR." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"My father told me that my great-great-grandfather's eldest son was Lord Frederick William and he married Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort and they had four children.' Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"My grandfather had three sons and a daughter. My father is the eldest, followed by Lord Edward Richard SR, Lady Sophia Charlotte who was named for my great-aunt, Lady Sophia Charlotte, and Lord

Edwin William." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"I have one first cousin, Lord Richard Edward JR and my other cousin passed away before I was born, but I have one cousin once removed, Lord David William Beck." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"My father has several first cousins, Lord Frederick William JR, Lord George Carey, and Lord John Howard." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"My father's first cousins were Lord Edward, Lord Frederick William III,Howard, and Lord Robert Carey and their sons, Lord Thomas William and Lord Richard William Carey are his first cousins once removed and they are my first cousins twice removed." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

Karissa listens to him and she says, "It can be confusing who your cousins are."

"Lord Thomas William Howard was born in January of 2250, followed by Lord Richard William Carey was born in June of 2250, Lord Frederick William II was born in September of 2250 and I was the last to be born in 2250." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"Lord Thomas, Lord Richard William and Lord Frederick William are all very close to each other as they started school at the same time. I have to wait to start school in the following year." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"By the time I entered school. They were already in First grade and I was in Kindergarten." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"They didn't know that I existed as I attended the same Parochial School." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

Karissa listens to him talk and she is silent.

"You have not told me how many ladies you have made love to Lord Andrew Charles?" Karissa asks

Lord Andrew Charles looks at Karissa and confesses, " I really haven't made love to any ladies here. I have a number of one night stands with them. It hasn't amounted to anything."

"I see and you expect ours to become something." Karissa asks.

"I most certainly do." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"Let me tell you something, Lord Andrew Charles. I am no Virgin and I am no Saint." Karissa tells him.

"I lost my fiance on Planet Earth from cancer due to radiation poisoning." Karissa tells him. "My late fiance and I were planning to name our first daughter Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane."

"I have to admit that Elizabeth, Victoria, and Ann are noble names and some of my ancestors had those names but Beltane is rather unusual." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"Beltane is the one of two most significant Pagan Sabbats in our Year." Karissa tells him.

Lord Andrew Charles looks at Karissa and he smiles, " They are good noble names and I know that Their Lady Ann Howard, Lady Elizabeth Howard, and Princess Victoria was the granddaughter of King George the III who succeeded his grandfather King George II to the throne." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I do believe that my ancestor Lady Elizabeth Howard was named for her mother and grandmother, Lady Elizabeth Tinley and Lady Elizabeth Cheney and Queen Elizabeth of York was named for her mother, Queen Elizabeth Woodville, and Queen Elizabeth I was named for her maternal grandmother,Lady Elizabeth Howard and paternal grandmother, Queen Elizabeth of York." Lord Andrew Charles tells Karissa.

"You are telling me that you have never had a serious relationship with any other young woman on Star Base 12?" Karissa asks.

"The young aristocratic women on Star Base 12 are silly,vain, creatures who bat their eyelashes at you and their fathers are looking to marry them off." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"I don't care for any of the young women on Star Base 12." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I really didn't notice any of the other young women on Star Base 12. I met some of them at Madame's and they didn't interest me." Karissa explains.

"They noticed when you came to visit me everyday and I heard the gossip from one of the other ladies at Madame'." Karissa explains.

"I don't take much interest in what those other girls have to say." Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"I can't believe that you haven't had one serious relationship with any other woman." Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"I haven't had a serious relationship with any of the young women here. They don't interest me." Lord Andrew Charles tells Karissa.

"Oh! But you want one with me." Karissa asks.

"No, I want to marry you and make you my Duchess." Lord Andrew Charles tells Karissa.

"I am not an aristocrat, Lord Andrew Charles. I am a commoner." Karissa explains.

"Aristocrats have married commoners before Karissa. Prince Albert Frederick Arthur George Windsor married Lady Elizabeth." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"It is my understanding that Lady Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes -Lyons refused to marry Prince Bertie twice before she agreed to marry him." Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"I suppose she wasn't really attracted to the aristocracy." Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles but Prince Albert said he would not marry another woman if he couldn't marry Lady Elizabeth, but his mother refused to get involved even after she saw the young woman that had captured his second son's heart." Karissa tells him.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard was a persistent young man and he would not give up until he won Karissa.

Be careful what you want and wish for Lord Andrew Charles Howard

Lord Andrew Charles Howard Duke of Norfolk TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now