Can Lord Andrew Charles Howard Measure Up

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Karissa took a great chance in spending the weekend with Lord Andrew Charles Howard out at Balmoral Manor.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard had never had a long term relationship in all of his adult life and he only had a succession of one night stands.

Karissa was willing to take the chance with Lord Andrew Charles, but she wouldn't agree to marry him until he would give her a daughter and then only would she agree to marry him.

It was a long shot that their first encounter would produce her long-waited for daughter, but she would give him a second chance, but she would only marry him if one of the children were a daughter.

It wasn't that Lord Andrew Charles wasn't handsome, he was that, but could he perform in bed and perform to her satisfaction.

It was a risk that Karissa was willing to take but Lord Andrew Charles' first child most likely would be illegitimate if it wasn't a daughter and it turned out to be a son...

Lord Andrew Charles Howard is desperate for a legitimate heir/heiress but he has to prove first to Karissa that he is an excellent lover.

Karissa realizes that it is a long shot with Lord Andrew Charles, but she won't agree to marry him until they have a daughter.

Karissa has agreed to stay with Lord Andrew Charles if neither of the children aren't female, but she will not marry him and both of the children will not succeed him.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard doesn't realize that his first cousin thrice removed has eyes for Karissa too.

Lord Richard William Carey is already Duke of Bedford Territory. He is tall, handsome, and he has that rugged look that appeals to Karissa.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard is very handsome, and he will not give up on trying to marry Karissa and make her his Duchess.

Karissa has made it clear that before she will marry him. He must give her a daughter to marry her and he only has two tries to do so.

She won't abandon her children and she will live with Lord Andrew Charles Howard in a morganatic marriage but she will not be his Duchess.

Karissa will be his wife in name only and not in the legal sense, but once he gives her a daughter she will fulfill her promise to him and marry him before her daughter is born.

Lord Andrew Charles tells Karissa "My father had two daughters."

"You are not your father." Karissa explains.

'You have a tall order Karissa. I will do my best to fulfill it." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"Doesn't it occur to you that I love you Karissa." Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"I am sure that you love me in your own way." Karissa explains.

"Marriage is archaic and it is way for men and women to have legalized sex with each other so society doesn't label them with nasty labels." Karissa explains.

"If a man has sex with a woman. He will be labeled a womanizer, cheater, or whore monger and if a woman has sex with a man. She is labeled easy, a slut, whore, or harlot." Karissa explains.

"Look at Lady Angelique. She is a good example of being labeled as a Jezebel and whore because she likes both men and women." Karissa tells him.

"I wouldn't let Lady Angelique touch me if I was wearing a thousand condoms on Karissa. Gosh, who knows how men have had her and how women she has or women have had her." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"Lord Jeremiah Collins has disowned her." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

Lady Millicent her mother has tried to raise her three daughters with the right morals and values but Lord Jeremiah hasn't been able to find a husband for any of his daughters. He is only a minor aristocrat and no social standing as the Hasting sisters." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

Lady Harriet Hastings, the eldest sister, has been found a husband I have been told, but Lady Henrietta and Lady Helen haven't been found." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

Lady Josette would make a fine wife for Lord John Seymour, but he will find her suitable. He is from a distinguished family." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

'I heard rumors that Lt Kevin Thomas Riley is courting Lady Isabella from afar." Lord Andrew Charles tells Karissa.

"I am a commoner, Lord Andrew Charles. I care  nothing about your Dukedom or title." Karissa tells him.

"Aristocrats have married a commoner before and it has worked out very well for both of them." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"Lord Andrew Charles. You are a social climber and you desperately want to become the next Duke of Norfolk and you know that if you give a daughter I will have to marry you and she will become your heiress." Karissa tells him.

Karissa knows she is taking a big chance with Lord Andrew Charles Howard, but can he live up to her expectations of being a great lover

Lord Andrew Charles Howard Duke of Norfolk TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now