Valentine's Day 2281

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Lord Andrew Charles Howard sits at his desk swamped with paperwork that his father didn't see to his reign as Duke of Norfolk Territory.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard picks up a document that is boring but it states that the Dukedom of Norfolk and the neighboring Dukedoms need services .

Lord Andrew Charles looks at the calendar it reads Valentine's Day but to Pagans it's Imbolc and it is also his wedding day to Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell.

Lady Karissa was expecting Lady Elizabeth Ann Beltane and now five years later they have three children Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane, Petite Duchess of Clarence and Lord Andrew Charles JR.

Lord Andrew Charles looks back to his wedding day and how happy he was that he married the woman that he loves.

Lady Karissa walks into the study and Lord Andrew Charles looks up at Lady Karissa and smiles " I was just thinking about us Lady Karissa."

" Today is our 6th wedding anniversary Lord Andrew Charles besides being Valentine's Day based on St. Valentine's that was executed by a Roman Emperor Claudius" Lady Karissa explains.

" I can't understand why Christianity is so bloody and full of executions." Lady Karissa exclaims.

" You look overwhelmed with all this paperwork Andrew Charles." Lady Karissa tells him.

" Father left Norfolk Territory is despair and our neighboring territories are doing no better." Lord Andrew Charles exclaims.

" We are going to have to call a meeting with all the Dukes and Earls on Star Base 12." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa.

" I have planned a special evening for us Andrew Charles. It will be just you and me." Lady Karissa tells him.

" We will dance, sing, dine together and I have a surprise for us to share." Lady Karissa tells him.

" I never meant us to drift apart Karissa." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

" I love our children and you so much and I forgot that I am also your husband and I am a father to our three children." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa.

" I should have never placed Work in front of the children and you Karissa." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

" There are drawbacks in being an aristocrat Lord Andrew Charles." Lady Karissa explains.

" Well, if my sorry excuse of brothers had produced children before we did. We could live as normal people in the country side like Country people." Lord Andrew Charles exclaims.

" The responsibility fell upon me to give my grandfather a great grandchild." Lord Andrew Charles exclaims.

" Andrew Charles if they don't make love or rather copulate they will not have children. We are too old to believe in the stork." Lady Karissa explains.

" Lady Victoria Charlotte or Lady Patricia Charlene are not ugly and even if Lord Charles Andrew III and Lord Patrick William can have conjugal visits for procreation if for no other reason." Lady Karissa tells him.

" Did they consummate their marriages?" Lady Karissa asks.

" Father and the father of the bride were present when both marriages were consummated I was told." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa.

"Could it be that the wives are on birth control." Lady Karissa explains.

" I have no idea." Lord Andrew Charles exclaims

" When Lady Victoria had Lady Charlotte Victoria Maude all she did complain about her waist." Lady Karissa laughs.

" I have had three children and I have one more to go." Lady Karissa explains.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard Duke of Norfolk TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now