Lord Andrew Charles Duchess

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Lord Andrew Charles Howard was a proud man. He was the senior aristocrat on Star Base 12 and the primary Duke on Star Base 12.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard also had a romantic side to him and it is only a side that he would allow Lady Karissa see.

When they were alone he would sing to her from Neil Diamond

Lady Karissa would listen to Lord Andrew Charles sing to her out in the garden at Beltane Manor.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard had many hidden secrets to his life that his mother taught him.

Lady Patricia Eugenia taught him how to dance and sing when he was young.

She taught him the art of romance, love, and passion.
Three elements that were missing in her marriage with his father, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR.

Lady Patricia Eugenia taught him the art of affection and told him not to be afraid of showing his emotions including crying.

Lady Patricia reminded him that Jesus wept when he found out that his dear friend Lazarus was dead.

Lady Patricia reminded him that Jesus wept when he found out that his dear friend Lazarus was dead

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Lady Patricia Eugenia Howard nee Stuart the mother of Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

Lady Patricia Eugenia came from Lennox Territory on Star Base 10.

A direct descendant of Lord Matthew Stuart and Lady Margaret Douglas that was the daughter of Queen Margaret Tudor eldest daughter of King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth of York.

Lady Patricia reminded her children of their Stuart heritage and blood.

" Your father may be a descendants of The Howard's but remember you are part Stuart too my son." Lady Patricia exclaims.

" My ancestors are King James IV of Scotland, his son King James the V and his daughter Queen Mary of Scotland and she married Henry Stuart Lord Darnley,  the eldest son of Lord Matthew Stuart 4th Duke of Lennox and they had King James VI and I of England." Lady Patricia exclaims.

Lady Patricia Eugenia was a true highlands lass and she loved her Scottish heritage.

Lord Andrew Charles had many hidden talents that he would only show to Lady Karissa in private.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard Duke of Norfolk TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now