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You and Nikolai both pulled away for air. He picked up the lantern you left on the floor and held it up to your face. The scars the darkling has given you, glowed in the orange light. Black traces of shadow and ink traced from the corners of your mouth and over the bridge of your nose. They laid out on your cheeks and some even ventured to the temples of your head.

"He did this to you?" asked Nikolai, you gave a slight nod. He raised his hand, but you flinched back from his touch. "May I?" he asked. You gave him another nod. He moved his hand to your face, and traced the ink black scars. "You're beautiful," he said softly. "You've always been beautiful".

Your cheeks turned red and you looked away from his gaze. "Don't doubt me" said Nikolai, turning your face to his. "Mal thinks I'm pretty cute," you chuckled. Nikolais face went red and his eyes narrowed. "Do you think he's more attractive than me?" he asked. "Jealousy isn't a good look on you" you chuckled, putting your head into his chest. "Why would I be jealous when you're so madly in love with me" he taunted.

"It's time," said Tamar, walking up behind you. "Do you have to be put back?" you asked, "I'm afraid I must, my love" he replied. Nikolai pulled you into him once more. Your lips connected and your hands found their way into his hair. One last kiss as Nikolai. Only for a while.

"I'll come find you in my quarters after" he whispered, pulling his lips away. You bowed to Tamar and walked back down below decks. You pushed open the door to Sturmhonds quarters and crawled back into bed. A while later the door opened to reveal Nikolai. Tailored back into Sturmhond.

Sturmhond walked in and shut the door behind him. He crossed the room and climbed into bed with you. "You're not asleep?" said Nikoali, "I was waiting for you". "What do I call you now that you're this again?" you asked, leaning your head against his body.

"Well, yours of course," he said. "Sturmhond when we're with everyone, but Nikoali when we're alone". "Le's go to sleep" you said, pulling away from him and laying down onto the bed. You felt Nikoai shifting in the bed.

His arms found their way around your body and they lifted you onto his body, with your head resting on his chest. "Now, we can sleep". "Goodnight, Nikolai" you whispered, but he didn't respond.

The door burst open revealing Alina and Mal. "saints. What are you two doing?" asked Mal. you quickly pulled yourself off of Sturmhond while he sat up in the bed. "What is it?" he asked, "I want to do it. I want the second amplifier" said Alina.

"Great. Let's do it" said Sturmhond, hopping out of bed and walking to the door. He quickly turned on his heel and knelt down in front of you. "Do you want to come?" he asked softly.

You nodded your head. You quickly hopped out of bed and followed Alina and Mal up to the deck to await Sturmhond. "What were you two doing?" Mal asked, "just sleeping" you replied. "But you were on top of him" Mal retorted, but you didn't answer.

Sturmhond arrived to the deck with a materialnik. She had her hair in braids and yawning like a sleepy child. She didnt look very impressive but if Sturmhond said she was his best, then it was best to believe that. Tolya and Tamar trailed behind them with Lanterns to help her with her work. "Evening all" said Sturmhond, clapping his hands despite everyones lazy and somber mood.

"Perfect night to tear a hole in the universe, no?" Alina scowled at him and took the scales from her pocket. "Do you know what to do" Alina asked the fabikiator as she dipped them in a bucket of water. The fabrikator stepped forward and turned Alinas back to face her. She ran her fingers along the collar. Examining the work.

Alina handed the scales to Mal, who held out one to the fabrikator. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" she asked. "Of course not" said Sturmhond. "Anything worth doing always starts as a bad idea". Sturmhond reached out his hand and pulled yours so you would be standing next to him. The fabrikator took the scale from Mal and rested it on Alinas wrist, and held out her hand for another.

Alina could feel the heat, coming off of the scales as their edges soon began to come apart and mend back together. One after the other, they mended together, fusing into an overlapping row as the fetter grew around her wrist. She worked in silence, moving her hands slowly, but her work was precise.

The twins kept the lanterns steady, their faces so still they could have been statues. Sturmhond had gone quiet too. His fingers laced with yours. Finally the two ends of the cuff were almost touching and only one scale remained. Mal stared at the final scale in his hand. "Mal?" Alina said.

He didnt look at her but he touched his finger to the bare skin of her wrist. He handed the last scale to the fabrikator. And now it was finally done. "Huh?" said Sturmhond, staring at the cuff. "I thought the end of the world would be more exciting". You let out a small laugh as Alina motioned for everyone to back away.

Alina let out a deep breath. She needed only to call the light. No heat. She wiped her wet hands on her coat and spread her arms. The light was rushing toward her. It came from every diffraction, a million stars, the sun still hidden below the horizon. "Oh saints" she whispered.

The light blazed through Alina and the night ripped apart. The sky exploded into a brilliance of gold, the water glittered like a thousand diamonds. But despite Alinas intentions, the air shimmered with heat. She closed her eyes, trying to focus and regain control.

Alina lost control. The wrath of the sea whip, the strength of the stag. The light became too great and it was all Alina knew. Alina knew it was too much but she wanted more. Sturmhond and Mal were shouting from the distance. His hand, still in yours. But Alina didn't listen. She didn't care.

The ship rocked as the light stung the water. You raised your hand and tried to steady the sea while Mal ran to Alina. "Alina!" he shouted, wrapping his arms around her. The light slowly faded. The night turned back into its dark form.

The light had returned back into Alina. The heat left and the sea calmed. Alina drew the last scraps of light together and pulsed them around the ship.

Sturmhond and the others were crouched down by the railing in what might have been fear of awe. Your head was directly in his chest and his arms around your back, with his head tucked next to yours.

"Mal" Alina said, but he only clutched her tighter. "Mal, I cant breathe" she squeaked. He slowly opened his eyes and looked down at her. She dropped her hands and the light disappeared completely. Tolya lit a lamp and Sturmhond released his grip on you.

He sat up and dusted the folds of his teal coat. You picked yourself up from the deck and walked to the other side and stood at the railing. The fabrikator looked as though she was gonna be sick. The twins had this glow in their eyes. Something peculiar.

"Well, summoner" said Sturmhond, a slight wobble in his tone, "you certainly know how to put on a show". Mal kissed her nose, lips, hair, and brought her in closer to him. "You're all right?" he asked. "Yes". it wasn't entirely true. She felt the collar and the fetter. Her other arm felt naked. She was incomplete.

Everyone else went back down their quarters while you stared out at the ocean lost in thought. "You okay?" asked Sturmhond, sliding in next to you. "What if I had been the sun summoner?" you said, "would the darkling never confide in Alina?"

"hey" said Sturmhond, turning your body to face his. "If you were the sun summoner, then we would have never happened" said Sturmhond, "and I don't think I'd be able to live in a world where there's no us".

"Lets head to bed, okay?" he said, to which you nodded. You followed Sturmhond back down below decks and back into his quarters. You climbed into bed and so did he.

You laid down and positioned yourself to face Sturmhond. His red hair still looked perfect even as he slept. He pulled you into him and wrapped his arms around you. Your head in his chest.

A/N: for this fic the readers hair is going to be shoulder length. But obviously it doesn't have to be if you don't want it :)

With you, I'd go anywhere || Nikolai Lantsov x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now