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"Quickly, heal him" said Sturmhond, handing you over to the twins. "Give the signal" said Sturmhond, springing to his feet. "Privyet" he called to a crewman "How many do we have?". "Eight men down" replied Privyet, "four remaining on the whaler. Cargo is on the way up". "Saints" Sturmhond swore. "Musketeers!" he shouted to the men. "Watch him, his wound is healed" said Tolya, laying you down next to Alina. "Give them cover!".

The musketeers began to fire their rifles down onto the whaler. Tolya tossed Mal a rifle and slung another over his back. He lept into the rigging and started to climb. Tamar drew her pistol from her hip. "Sea whip is secured captain" said Privyet. Two more of strumhond's crew jumped from the whaler and landed in a crash on the schooners deck. One was bleeding from a wound on his arm.

Another boom of thunder. "Hes up!" shouted Tamar. Shadow drew closer, engulfing the schooner. "Free me!" Alina shouted "I can help". Sturmhond threw Tamar the keys, "do it!". Tamar reached for Alinas shackles and fumbled with the key. The shadow covered the ship, everyone was blind. Alinas shackles fell from her wrists and hit the deck. She threw her hands up, and a golden light burst through the shadow.

Cheers went up from the crew. It quickly faded as a shriek was heard from the shadow. A door that shut have remained shut forever .The wound in Alinas shoulder throbbed. Nichevoya. "We have to get out of here now!" Alina shouted. "Squallers due east!" commanded Sturmhond. A

A row of sailors standing by the masts raised their arms and winds filled the canvas sails. But the darklings squallers arranged themselves on the whaler and sent their own winds to throw the ship off. "Portside guns!" shouted Sturmhond. "Rolling broadside. On my signal!". A boom shook the ship, and then more came. The schooner's guns opened up a hole in the whaler's hull. A panic arose from the darklings ship.

Sturmhonds squallers seized this opportunity and surged free. In the smoke, a figure stepped up to the railing of the whaler. Another wave of darkness flew through the air, but it was different. It clawed over the water as it flowed forward, and it came with the sound of clicking. The darkness foamed and frothed.

They began to separate themselves into shapes. Mal muttered a prayer next to Alina and lifted his rifle. Alina slashed out with the cut and burned through the darkness, trying to destroy the nichevoya before they could take full form.

But she couldn't stop them all. Sturmhonds crew opened fire as the nichevoya reached the masts of the schooner, floating around the sails, grabbing sailors from the rigging. The creatures reached the deck. They flew down in shadow and grabbed you from the floor. "He's trying to take y/n back!" shouted Alina, sending another blade of light through them.

"Squallers lighting!" shouted Sturmhond. Alina flinched at his words. It was too unpredictable, too dangerous, especially on the open sea. Sturmhonds grisha clapped their hands together, rubbing their palms back and forth. Ears popped as the pressure dropped. The air cracked and boomed with the current. Alina used the cut on the nicheoya carrying your body back to the whaler but as each one disintegrated, more formed to help.

"Go!" Sturmhond bellowed. "Squallers at full!". Alina sent one last blade of light that sliced through all of the nichevoya carrying your body. "Quickly, bring him back!" shouted Sturmhond. A single squaller threw their arms in your direction and quickly floated your body back to the schooner as it cut through the waves, away from the whaler.

Another shadow wave was coming but it did not reach. They were out of the darklings' reach. For now. The ship rode the waves as the squallers and tidemakers directed the winds and the sea. Your body lay next to Mal and Alina on the deck. Mal put his arm around Alina and rested a hand on your shoulder. One of the crewmen dropped a blanket over the three of you.

Sturmhond called to a stop and the winds stopped. The squallers and tidemakers dropped their arms and they fell to the floor against each other. Their power left their faces glowing, and eyes alight. "Keep a watch" said Sturmhond. As he passed by squallers and tidemakers he patted them on the shoulders and said a few words to them for their great efforts. He sent the inuurted down belowdecks, where Alina assumed was a corporalki healer.

Sturmhond strode over to Mal and Aline who were now standing up asint the railing. He pulled a knife from his belt and Alinas hands went up. Mal stepped in front of her and leveled his rifle with Sturmhonds chest. "Easy Oretsev" said Sturmhond, slowing to a stop.

"I've just gone through a lot of trouble and expense to put you on my ship. It'd be a waste to fill you with holes". "Him too" he smiled looking over at your body laying on the deck. "This is for the beast" he said flipping the knife over to Alina.

"Haul it in" said Sturmhond. The sailors leaned over the starboard rail and unlashed a complex webbing of ropes. They pulled and slowly the sea whip was raised over the schooners side. It landed on the deck, still struggling weakly in the net. It snapped it's jaws in the air and everyone jumped back. You slowly opened your eyes to find yourself on the deck of a whole new ship.

You pulled up from the floor but winced in pain. You looked down to find yourself clothed in shirts and breaches too big for you. "As I understand it you have to be the one who does it" said Sturmhond, still holding the knife out to her. "Go on" he said. "We need to get moving. The darklings ship is disbaled but it wont be for long".

The blade gleamed in the light. "I just lost thirteen men, don't let this be for nothing" he sighed. Alina hesitated. She watched as the sea whip lay defenseless and almost lifeless on the deck. "Either way it won't survive". You managed to pull yourself up using the railing as support. "Kill it already" you groaned, holding yourself up with the railing. "It's in misery, end it".

"For saints sake, Alina. End it" said Mal. he took the knife from her hands and dropped it to the deck. He grabbed her hands in his and placed them onto the harpoon in its side. They both shoved and the sea whip went stil. Tamar began to work the scales free from its hide with her knife, but Alina didn't look away. When she finished, Alina was handed seventeen perfect scales, iridescent white, wet with blood.

"Let us bow our heads for the men lost today," said Sturmhond. "Good sailors. Let the sea carry them safe to harbor, and may the saints receive them on a higher shore". He repeated it in kerch.

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