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A man on the edge of the ship stood facing the sea whip, harpoon in hand. He aimed but the creature's tail lashed through the sea, split the waves, and came down with a slap, sending a rolling wall of water up against the boast hull. The man with the harpoon sat down hard as the longboat tipped perilously. The other boat let a volley of harpoons fly through the air.

The first fell harmlessly into the water, the second found its way into the beast's hide. It bucked, tail whipping back and forth, then reared up like a snake, hurling its body out of water. Translucent winglike fins, gleaming scales, and wartighful red eyes. Beads of water flew from its mane and its massive jaws opened. It came down on the nearest boat with a loud crash of wood.

Its jaws snapped shut over a sailor's legs as he let out a scream, but vanished into the water. Swimming for their lives the rest of the crewmen swam through the bloodied water, making for the remaining longboat. Another harpoon found its way lodged into the sea whips body and it began to sing. The sound was more lovely than anything, a choir of voices, wordless songs.

It was not a song, but rather a cry. The creature was crying out, writhing and rolling in the waves. You pulled to the edge of the railing and raised your hands. "y/n, what are you doing?" cried Mal, "I'm gonna help it". You twisted your hands into an upwards motion, your wrists flicked. The waves were sent into the longboats.

"What do you think you're doing!" shouted the darkling. He grabbed both of your hands and shoved you to the ground. The waves stopped attacking the longboats and fell back into its rhythm. "Nets!" shouted Sturmhond. The mist had grown so strong, you could hardly see anything.

"Clear the mist" ordered the darkling, pulling you up. You raised your hands and flung them outward. The completely blew out of view and everything became clear. The strong winds of the mist blowing away knocked Alinas body closer into Mals.

On the portside, another ship appeared as if from nowhere. A sleek schooner with gleaming masts and colors flying: a red dog on a teal field- and below it, in pale blue and gold, the Ravkan double eagle. There was clatter of steel and wood on the whalers portside rail. Grappling hooks. A howl went up from the other ship like a wolf during the full moon.

Men swarmed over the rail onto the whalers deck, pistols strapped to their chests, cutlasses in their hands, yowling and barking. The darkling turned, his face red with confusion and rage. "What the hell is happening?" Mal said, stepping in front of Alina. "I dunno" you replied "something very good or very, very bad.

You raised your hands and water began to form in front of you. Mal and Alina stood behind you. Pistol fire rang through the air, along with inferni fire. "To me, hounds!" shouted Sturmhond. The men were descending on the darklings grisha from all sides, not just from the railing. Sturmhond's men. Sturmhond was turning against the darkling. The privateer had completely lost his mind. Yes, the grisha were outnumbered by his crew, but numbers didnt matter in a fight with the darkling. An arm sized Alina around her waist and she was lifted off her feet.

She was thrown over a massive shoulder. Alina lifted her head to see Tamar running toward you and Mal with a knife, shining in her hands. You raised your hands and she quickly stopped. "I'm no enemy" she said, slicing through Mals bonds. "Go!" she shouted, tossing him the knife and drawing a sword. "What are you doing?" Alina squawked. Her head was bouncing up and down.

You spun around and drew your double daggers from your kefta. You slashed out at an incoming corporalki. "Just run!" Tamar shouted. "I cant run" Alina shouted back. "Your idiot brother has me slung over his shoulder". "Do you want to be rescued or not?". "Hold tight" said Tolya. "We're going over".

You were about to jump with Mal and Alina but a squaller blew you backwards into a nearby pole. Tolya lost his balance and fell to one knee. Ivans hand was outstretched. He was crushing Tolyas heart, and this time there was no one to stop him. The inferni advanced on Tamar and Mal, flint in hand, arm already moving in an arc of flame.

You pulled yourself up from the deck and pushed up on the pole. You looked up to Ivan killing Tolya and two inferni approaching Tamar and Mal. you raised your hands and an arc of water swirled around you. You flicked your fingers and the water pulled in front of you.

You slashed out with one arm and sent the water gliding through the air like a blade. "What are you waiting for?" Ivan snarled. There was no response. The inferi law on the floor. Severed in half. Ivans concentration wavered, and Tolya now pulled himself up from the ground. Ivan clenched his fists, trying to refocus his efforts. Tolya grimmaced but he did not fall.

Tolya shot out his hand, and Ivans face spasmed in pain. Alina looked from Tolya to Tamar. Realization that they were grisha. Heartrenders. "Do you like that little man?" Tolya asked as he walked towards Ivan. Ivan tried to cast out his other hand, but he was shaking, struggling for breath. Tolya faltered slightly but he kept going. "Now we learn who has the stronger heart" he growled. Two grisha were charging at you from both sides.

You spun your hands and shot them outward. A thin wave of water blasted at both of them. The water cut through them and cut through the ship. You walked closer to Ivan who was struggling for his life. You moved your hand slowly as water picked up from the deck and circled around your hand. You flicked your finger across and sent a small stream of water at Ivans throat.

The water sliced it clean. Blood poured out of the wound as he tried to close it with his hands. Tolya crushed his fist and soon blood leaked from Ivans mouth. He fell to the ground covered in a pool of blood. Tamar was struggling with a squaller. Two other grisha had leapt onto Toyla. A gunshot sounded through the air.

Mal had gotten hold of a gun. Alina stared at Ivans body, it lay lifeless on the deck covered in his own blood that leaked from his throat. The darklings right hand. One of the most powerful heartrenders in the second army. He'd survived the fold, the volcra but how he was dead. Genya stood over Ivans body, hands over her mouth. "Genya" you said.

"Stop them!" someone shouted from across the deck. You and Alina turned to see the darkling grappling with an armed sailor. Genyas body was shaking. She reached into the pocket of her kefta and drew a pistol. Tolya lunged at her but she fired. The gunshot rang through the ship, it echoed through the sea. You fell to the floor as blood spilled from your body. Your kefta managed to stop the bullet from killing you but it still punctured into your skin. You fell to the floor as she dropped the gun.

A crack sounded through the air. The darkling had gotten free. "y/n!" he shouted. His face roped with rage, his eyes teary with sorrow. He tried pushing but instead sent a wave of darkness.  A shot rang through the air once more and the darkness blew to nothing. Sturmhond was racing towards you, pistol in hand as the darkling clutched his arm. He'd been shot. "y/n!" he shouted as Sturmhond picked you up from the ground.

"You're okay" he whispered to you. "Come on, Alina!" cried Mal, reaching for her arm. "Genya" you groaned "come with us". "Please, Geyna" you cried as tears swelled your eyes. "I can't" she sobbed. "Go". in the next instant Sturmhond jumped off the deck.

"NO!" you shouted trying to fight back, but your wound hurt too much to move. You landed onto the attacking schooners deck with a thud. Your body hit Sturmhonds as he braced himself for the landing.

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