Author's Note

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First of all, I apologize that this isn't an actual update. I'm aware that I'm breaking a major streak here by doing this but if I tank tomorrow's paper, trust me, it wont end well for me. 

Did you know it takes me around two hours to type out a chapter and edit it? And that's when creativity is flowing freely. Other times . . . don't even ask. 

So to summarize, I won't be updating a new chapter today, I'm so sorry for the potential disappointment. I really am. I'll do my best to update before time tomorrow. If not, it should be up by 13th June, 11:30pm IST.

I would be extremely grateful if you guys could vote and comment on my story(s) in the meanwhile. It would mean a lot to me. Share this book if you feel if its worth it. That will be really nice. Your follows would mean the world to me too.

That's all for today. Again, I am extremely sorry.

Until next time, all my love,

Alpha Female | COMPLETEDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum