24| Boss

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-:Cecelia's POV:-

The lunch tray clattered to the ground upside down. The food that wasn't already on me splattered on the floor. The drinks she had taken had soaked through my shirt and now my clothes stuck to my body.

Pin drop silence resounded from all the wolves. Sera growled loudly in my headspace, having had enough of this disrespect. She wanted control and tell that bitch who was in charge. And man did I want to let her do her thing. But I couldn't:

One, there were humans there. 

Two, because there is this thing called being diplomatic. 

Three, because I didn't have to.

All the Crescent Moons and to my surprise even some Silver Moons stood up simultaneously as if the movement was choreographed. Word had really gotten around about Ashton and I being mates. Low, cautioning growls left their mouths are they silently threatened Mathilda and told her to back off. One loud growl stood out but we all know who that was, hun? 

Everyone who saw it happen knew that it wasn't an accident.

The humans shrunk into themselves and looked around in trepidation, finally noticing the commotion.

I raised one hand to hold the wolves off. It was instinct, a reflex. They all let out another growl as they settled down, glaring daggers at Mathilda. Who, by the way, looked horrified that her little stunt had backfired.

"What you said might be true," I said quietly. I spoke loudly enough for any werewolf to hear if they wanted to. "Maybe, in some ways, you are more equipped to be a Luna than I am or will ever be. You are a Silver Moon and I can not contest your familiarity with the pack and its people. I am but a warrior, distant from in a lot of ways, from her own Pack. 

"But, the first and foremost thing a Luna needs is love and trust from her pack. I have that." I stepped closer to her. "And that's all I need."

Behind her, I saw Ashton shaking with rage. Noel and Hayden were trying but failing to calm him down. His teeth were clenched and his hands fisted tightly over the table. 

Oh shit, that wouldn't do. He looked like he'd shift any moment. I dismissed Mathilda and made my way around her posse towards our table. Even from this far away I could see his eyes changing colors. It was a good thing that the humans had been focused on the drama happening between Mathilda and I instead of on Ash and his raw, primal behavior.

I quickened my steps and squatted down beside Ash as soon as I reached him. Noel and Hayden moved over to give me space. I forced Ashto- Xavier to look at me. His eyes were pitch black. How I wished I could mind-link him at that moment.

"Calm down," I told him, grabbing his hands. His shivering increased and another growl escaped his lips.

"X-" I cursed under my breath, stopping myself from saying his name out loud. "Ash," I corrected. "Take back control."

"Take him out!" Noel exclaimed in panic. Somehow now Ash's weird behavior was the center of attention.

I wonder why? I thought drily. 

I stood up and pulled at his arms. He didn't resist much. We practically ran out of the cafeteria with almost all eyes on us. We didn't stop in the hallways, we ran outside. It gave me a sense of Deja vu as I remembered how two weeks ago it was me alone, hurrying out of the same halls in dire need of an escape. 

He shifted sooner than I had anticipated, way before we had hit the woods, shredding his clothes in the process. I yelped, looking back towards the school to see if any human caught it. I let out a relieved sigh when I saw no one. 

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