25| Safe

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This chapter is dedicated to @RoyalMara. Thank you so much for your reads and votes! They make me really happy!!❤❤

-:Cecelia's PoV:-

The training was brutal. I had to train with Aaron since David had already decided to partner with Aaron's Gamma, Caleb. Let's just say my brother was still in a terrible mood.

"When are you going to let it go?" I finally asked after training. Not that it was my fault, nor did I think I was wrong, but he was being overdramatic about it. I didn't like quarreling with him.

"Let it go?" He scoffed. "Cecelia, you really need to start thinking before you speak."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I demanded.

"Exactly what it does mean," he said flatly.

"What is your bloody problem?"

"My problem?" He laughed humorlessly. "My problem is that you don't tell me anything anymore. You don't talk to me, you don't spend time. It's either homework, Julian, Liana, or now Ashton! And when I try to involve myself in my little sister's life, she tells me to stop 'preaching' on her! Then she shows up home from school in her boyfriends' clothes!"

I felt a little guilty, but then I remembered what made me lash out in the first place.

"Should've fucking thought of that before you went along basically calling your sister a 'whore', " I said coldly. "As for me wearing Ashton's clothes, some idiot dumped their lunch tray on me so he was kind enough to offer me his spares."

Why did I even try to talk to him, again?

He recoiled back as if he'd forgotten how he insulted me yesterday. Wow, he had an excellent memory.

"I didn't mean it," he muttered, dropping the clothes topic. "I just wanted to protect you."

"You don't go around calling girls 'whores' if you don't mean it," I snapped at him, my blood boiling. "That word means something. A lot of something, actually. And as for you protecting me, what the heck were you thinking? He's my mate!"

"I . . . I don't know, Cece. At that moment all I saw was a naked Silver Moon hovering over you," he scrunched up his face in disgust. I cringed back in embarrassment and at the way he worded his statement. 

Why can't we get past that already?

"That doesn't excuse anything, Aaron, and you know it," I said.

"I know," he sighed. "Still, I apologize."

"Okay," I responded as I walked away. He didn't stop me.

Why didn't I forgive him? 

Because brother or not, nobody questioned my character and dignity to be forgiven after just a half-assed 'I apologize'. 


i'll pick u up at eight😉
5:57 pm

i'll be waiting🥰
6:12 pm

Dang it! I panicked after seeing his text. A date. What does one do on a date? I had never been on a date unless I counted the one I went on to get Ace off my back. 

Why did I agree to this? What was I thinking?

'Loosen up!' Sera laughed.

'Shut up!' I grumbled. 'How do I even begin?'

No answer.

'Sera!' I whined.

'You told me to shut up, remember?' She taunted, holding back her laughter.

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