14| Powerless

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-:Ashton's POV:-

I saw Julian drop Cecelia off at school and was suddenly feeling very helpless. Instead of whiling the time away in the parking lot like we usually did, I made my way inside with Hayden and Noel. They didn't question it, probably having seen what I did.

I stood vacantly, exchanging books from my locker. I knew I pushed her away, but I still couldn't bear to see her with Julian. And seeing as to how tall and buff he was it made my heart ache. He was older than us at least by a year or so. I was still developing. He already had. I could see why she would like him over me and that made me resent the situation even more.

Cecelia's locker wasn't very far from mine. Both our lockers were in the hallway near the History Classroom. And that's why I easily spotted her near her locker. I expected her to exchange her books, heave a sigh like she always does, frowning with that cute pucker in her eyebrows before she'd drag herself to History.

So that being said, I was surprised to see her retract her hand from the locker with an ear-piercing scream. Her hand was bleeding. Abruptly alert, I pushed myself away from the locker and stood straight, trying to spot the source of her distress. 

Without thinking I found myself making my way towards her. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Julian making his way over to her as well. Again, that feeling of helplessness seeped bone-deep and I froze, staring at his form shoving his way through the crowd.

To reach Cecelia.

The student population didn't need a lot of encouragement to move. Julian was an intimidating personality.

"I'm fine," I heard Cecelia assure him despite the tears in her eyes as he inspected her hand. 

That should be me. 

I saw as her eyes hesitantly swept over the crowd. She was uncomfortable. That's all I needed to know.

"Okay, that's enough, people," I commanded in a loud voice. "Move it! Nothing interesting going on here!" 

With Noel and Hayden's help, we had the corridor cleared within seconds. Finally free to do so, I approached the duo.

"What happened?" I asked. Cecelia looked at me and then she and Julian exchanged a look. A weary, knowing look.

"Silver," Julian finally stated, looking at me.

"Silver?" I echoed in a hiss. I took Cecelia's hand in mine gently, careful not to worsen the injury. She didn't protest and that was in itself a win for me. I examined her fingers and palm that were charred and bleeding. They weren't healing. 

"Are you okay, Luna?" Noel asked. Her eyes widened.

"They were right next to me when I recognized you as my mate, Cecelia,"  I reminded her, sensing her plight. "And besides, they're my best friends. I would've told them regardless."

She looked at me and nodded. I sighed internally.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She smiled at him. Great, she smiled even at my Gamma. Was I the only one on the receiving end of her hostility? I mean I deserved it, but still?

"I'm Noel, Ashton's third in command," he grinned at her. She grinned back. 

Lucky bastard.

"Call me Cecelia," she said. I found myself frowning. She was his Luna, she just met him, and yet she was alright with being on a first-name basis with him? Was that her way of rejecting me? 

"Hayden, second in command," Hayden smiled at her. 

"Nice to meet you," she said. I didn't miss how my friends didn't bother introducing themselves to Julian. He stood silently observing, analyzing every move we made, not commenting. I moved my gaze away from him to avoid being caught looking. The silence became awkward.

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