"this way Mr. Kim. Please have a seat, the ceremony will start in few minutes, sorry for the late,but it's our pleasure you accept the invitation. Thanks for coming Mr. Kim."

The principal said and smiled at the CEO and his assistant.
The CEO only nodded his head and marched towards his seat and sit down where he can see that boy.

The boy looked so cute while talking to his friends. He was slightly biting his lips and looked at the entrance time to time with his cute die eyes.

Is he waiting for someone?

He looked again at him, the boy was biting his nails and then his soft lips, oh how badly he wants to kiss those pink lips, how badly he wants to bit those soft, thin and pretty pink lips.

He bit his own lips and smirked. He looked around, he has to do something, he want that boy so badly, he wants him to hold in his arms and kiss him to the eternity.

He smiled internally, of course he can't show his smile to anyone but that boy. He looked at the stage.

Jungkook and his friends were talking and the younger was waiting for his brother, he just gives his friends a glance then again looked at the entrance.

"yoongi hyung didn't arrive yet kookie?"

Bambam asked when he noticed that his friend was looking at the entrance time to time probably waiting for his brother.

Jungkook shook his head and a lil pout was presented on his face. Yugeom circled his hand over jungkook's shoulder while consoling his dear friend.

Jungkook was about to call his brother again when he heard a very familiar voice from behind.

He turned around and smiled ear to ear and hugged his dear brother tightly.

"I thought you won't make it on time hyung, I was about to call you"

He wined and pouted cutely, which can melt any body's heartu. Yoongi patted his lovely brother and caressed his head and kissed him on his forehead. Yoongi rarely show his affections but when it comes to his lil brother, he can do anything, anywhere.
He loves his dear younger brother, who is just like his child.

Suddenly they heard a screeching sound of a chair. They all looked at the direction and the CEO was standing from his seat and looking at.. Him?
The whole hall got silent and almost everyone was looking at the CEO.

He said something to his assistant and left the hall with his two bodyguards.

They just shrugged and Yoongi looked at his brother and flashed his signature gummy smile at his brother.

"sorry baby, I told you something came up on my way so, by the way when will it start?"

The elder asked and greeted his brother's best friends who bowed in front of him.

"just in few minutes hyung."
Yugeom said and the elder nodded, they smiled at each other as jaebum nudged Bambam shoulder telling him to go their seat and sit down.

The CEO was looking at the stage then give a glance where that boy was standing with his friends.

He frowned at the scene in front him, a another boy or more like his one of friend circled his arms over that boy's shoulder? He gulped his anger as he doesn't want to create a scene here.

He moved his head from there and looked around then again he look at the boy who was now hugging someone?

Oh! how many friends he has?

His frowned deepened when the said boy he was hugging now kissed his forehead.

What the fuck is happening?

No no no!! It can't happen. It shouldn't happen!!

That's it! He lost it, he lost his temper and abruptly stand up from his chair.
He was breathing heavily and his handa curled in fist.
He needs to get out from here.
Everyone was looking at him and that boy too.

He looked at his assistant and gave him a look and left from there to use washroom. While his bodyguards follow him from behind.

He entered one of a washroom and locked it. He stood in front of mirror and looked himself in the mirror, he closed his eyes.
He grabbed the edge of the Wasing and breath heavily, eyes still closed.

He remembered the scene and gritted his teeth.
The anger was raising every second.

"why everyone is touching you? Why I can't have you yet? Why are you still far away from me?"

He said to no one in particular. He punched a wall beside him to calm down himself.

Calm down Taehyung, just calm fucking down.
Just a little bit and then you will be mine. Then nobody will able to touch you nor see you. Only I can.
Just a little more.

He thought to himself, he knows he has to wait. Once that boy will be his then nobody will touch him and he will be only his and he will keep him secure to everyone's reach.

He has to wait a lil. That's it!

"I have to do something. before anybody have you or touch you. I have to."

He said with determination in his voice. That boy is not his yet. But that day is not so far, when he will be in his arms. When he will wake up with that boy in his arms in morning. Have breakfast together and then sleep together. He will shower that boy with his love.

Till then he has to wait.

He exited from the washroom and went to the hall and sit down on his chair. He gave a glance to the boy and looked straight blankly.



I'm here! 👋

OK so this is not much and not exactly what you guys were waiting for but I promise in next chapter there will be.

So, please do vote and comment on this chapter and wait for another one or should I say.. Next.


Well I told you English is not my first language so if there was any grammar mistakes.. I'm sorry!!

Take care of yourself and I love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


The Possessive CEO Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang