14 : We Were Broken

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"Beam...what are they doing here?" Vee's eyes nearly pop out from her socket seeing Tae's parents joining them having dinner at that place. Beam told her that he wanted to treat her to a nice dinner along with his father and Phana with Ming, his boyfriend.

She is very delighted with the invitation by her son and the place he brings her to is such a nice place to have dinner. A private dining room with a view of the city at a hotel manage by Ming's brother. Even though she is still sceptical about Ming, like he did with Tae, Beam's boyfriend, she's happy to see Phana look happy when he talks about him

She didn't remember why she hates Beam's boyfriend, however. It's a blur in her memory. She has feelings that she's argued with someone because of Tae but...she doesn't remember who it was and why.

All she remembers were meeting with someone, discussing Beam's marriage then, her having a breakdown and fainted. Ugh! Tae's mother might think of her as someone sickly thus giving demerits to Beam's reputation.

She's not in her best condition these past weeks as her dreams keep getting intense and ridiculous, it scares her because it seems real. Her husband is kind enough to help her get through it like he always did.

But then...

When she saw them, the pair who she remembered as her son kidnapper. She lost control and begin to tremble.

"Mum, calm down. They come to discuss with you something." Beam softly persuade his mother, holding her sweaty hand tightly. It calms her down a bit as her breathing come back normal than before.

"Vee...do you... remember us?" Nia asking the obvious, because Vee's reaction should be enough to answer that.

"Of course I do! You kidnapped my son and wanted to keep him for yourself." Vee viciously stated while glaring sharply at Nia. Her eyes turned red reminiscing the fragments of memories suddenly coming back to her at once about that day she meets her somewhere.

"She's incapable of taking care of a kid! She's an abuser." The accusation made by this woman standing in front of her is still ringing loud in her head.

Me? Abuser?! How can she tell lies to the social worker!

"Tsk! Are you kidding me?! Kidnapping my son?! Don't..." Nia retorted before Forth stopped her. Getting mad wouldn't solve anything like the last time.

"Mum." Tae calls for his mother to stop igniting another brawl between Beam's mother and her because they need to seriously discuss something here.

"She's your mum?! Now I know why I hate you. Beam let's go home. I lose my appetite." Vee voice out and pulls Beam to exit the place but Beam's feet are glued to where he stands surprising his mother.

"Mum...they come to talk. Please hear us out first okay. Naa.." Beam persuaded his mother again but got scolded instead.

"No!! I won't let you marry him! Their daughter is dangerous. She kills your brother!!!" Vee is screaming at Beam, eyes leaking with tears. She seems confused with her own words.

"Mum... Phana is alright. What are you saying? Prae didn't kill anyone. You're mistaken." Beam said trying to calm his mother down. She's getting hysterical and keeps calling Prae a killer. Beam can see his Kreepoolrerk parents getting annoyed at Vee for constantly calling their daughter a killer.

"She doesn't mean Phana." A female voice suddenly announced. Moe, Kem, Ming and Phana joining in the heated atmosphere. All eyes were glued to her following the statement she made.

"Stop joking around. This is a serious matter here and I only have one brother Moe if you haven't figured it out yet." Beam sarcastically reminded Moe.

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