Chapter 33

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Four years later (Epilogue pt. 2)
"Wait a minute Daimon. Mommy's busy!" I shout loudly, pressing my hands down on Marcellius' chest. I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from moaning loudly. I did not need my children hearing their mommy and daddy trying to enjoy a quickie before I had to take them to pre-school.

Marcellius' hands are on my pregnant belly as he looks up at me with a smirk. "God..I," I moan breathlessly, riding his cock hungrily. The kids never call him for anything. 

It's always my name being called over and over and over again. I love my babies, but sometimes I want to smuggle them to death. With hugs and kisses of course.

Holding me down, he deepens inside me and grabs my throat. "You want to say that again tesoro(darling)?"

I squeal, caught off guard. "What I meant was, I love you daddy."

"That's a good girl." He releases his grip on my throat, leaning in to take my nipples in his mouth. They're swollen and sore as he licks, sucks, and bites them. He's still deep inside me, the overwhelming feeling of his cock causing an immense build up inside me.

Thrusting his hips forward, he forces me to take everything he's giving me. I can feel myself about to cry. I hate being such an emotional person during sex, but I can't help it. At least now I can blame it on the pregnancy hormones.

Continuing to roll my hips on his cock, I moan out even louder than before. So much for trying to stay quiet. I grip the wall in front of me. I'm on the brink of reaching my release. "Right there. Oh, fuck..don't stop." I close my eyes, riding him as much as I can before my legs give out. I shudder, coming all over him. Stilling for a moment, I lean down and kiss his lips. "I don't want to get up," I mumble into his mouth.

"So don't." I'm in the midst of taking his advice when I hear another child's voice on the other side of the door.

"Mama! Daimon pushed me!" It's my two year old daughter Isabel. Ever since she started talking she's been a pain in the ass. But I love her. Marcellius is of course laughing at me.

He's the reason I'm even pregnant again. I already pushed out two of his kids, both long and painful hours I might add, and yet he's the one who gets to relax.

Groaning with frustration, I climb off him and slip on his t-shirt and boxer briefs. Opening the door, I look down at my daughter. "Isn't your brother Miko down there with you?" She shakes her head. I sigh and glance back at Marcellius. Miko had one job, which was to watch his siblings while they ate breakfast.

Marcellius shrugs, sitting up with a yawn. Isabel runs past me, climbing up onto the bed. She's such a daddy's girl. Sometimes I don't even exist. It's all about daddy. "Hey princess," he plants soft kisses on her cheek, causing her to giggle uncontrollably.

Closing the door, I head down the corridor and into the dining area. "Daimon Dante Fierri!" I shout angrily, seeing all the fruit loops cereal and milk everywhere. It's on the table, the floor, and I don't know how they hell they got it on the ceiling.

Daimon peeks his head out from within the kitchen cabinet. I usher him towards me with my index finger, glaring down at him. "What happened here?" I ask firmly, resting my hands on my hips.

Cesare walks in, scanning the scene before him. He's got a bowl of cereal in his hands. He sits down at the table, continuing to eat as he poorly eavesdrops on me scolding his nephew.

"Izzy pissed me off," Daimon says with a shrug as if he didn't just say a bad word.

I gasp, shocked by my son's appropriate use of a curse word. "Who taught you that word?" I never curse around him. I always make sure that I'm careful when using inappropriate words around the kids. And Marcellius curses in Italian, because he knows they don't understand the curse words yet. So if it wasn't us, then it had to be either his brother Miko or one of his uncles.

Marcellius Fierri [Book #1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora