Chapter 14

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One month later
I've been avoiding Marcellius as much as I can. I mean it's been a month of ignoring him. Luckily for me it's been pretty easy to do considering how big and spacious this mansion is. Luciano has been a great help.

He'll text me a warning every now and then to let me know if Marcellius is nearby. I know that it's childish, but I didn't want to speak to him. And I sure as hell didn't want to see his face.

Cesare invited me to play pool with him, Luciano and Dante in the game room. I was kicking all of their ass. Cesare being a sore loser has made several attempts to sabotage the game. "Just admit defeat Cesare." He flips me off before hitting the white ball into the solid red number three ball. He misses by a hair, cursing under his breath.

All I have left to claim victory is the black eight ball. I hover over the table, the cue pointed directly at the eight ball. If I get this ball into the pocket located in the upper left corner then I win. And Cesare will owe me fifty bucks. I have to win this because I don't have fifty bucks on me, let alone ten dollars.

Positioning myself, I pull the cue back and thrust forward with all the strength I can muster. Luciano, Dante, and Cesare are leaned in close, their eyes watching the ball slowly roll towards the pocket. When the ball starts slowing down I begin to panic.

Cesare has a smirk on his face and for a moment I think I'm going to lose. But then the sound of the ball going into the pocket fills my ears. "Yes!" I jump up and down with excitement, Luciano and Dante joining in. "Time to pay up," I tell him, holding my hand out.

Cesare pulls out his wallet, and then the fifty dollar bill. He's hesitant, but he eventually hands it to me. "It's not like you can spend it anywhere," he says with a pout. "You're still on house arrest, remember?"

I slip the bill into the pocket of my bra. "There's such a thing called online shopping Cesare," Luciano chimes in. He and Dante are having a blast having seen the pool champ's reign finally come to an end.

"I hate you guys." Cesare grabs my cue, resting his and mine against the wall. He plops down on the couch, Dante tossing him a beer. He offers to give me one, but I respectfully decline. We all join Cesare, laughing and joking among each other.

Besides having to constantly fear for my life, the Fierri's and Dante have been keeping me entertained. They have never made me feel unwelcome. In fact, at times they were a little too welcoming. Luciano and Cesare were always checking up on me, afraid I'd crack at any moment. I mean I should have by now. I haven't been outside since I got here. And if it wasn't for their insanely large mansion, I'd probably be pulling out my hair from insanity.

As for Marcellius, I don't know what's going on with him, nor do I care. Okay maybe I care just a little bit. Luciano has been secretly filling me in. Apparently, he's been busy trying to track down the guy who shot me as well as the person behind whoever Selene and Miko are.

Everytime I ask Luciano about it, he always tells me that I should ask Marcellius. But how can I ask him when I'm not speaking to him? I tried asking Cesare, but he's too scared to upset his older brother and Niccolo just laughs in my face.

He's such an asshole.

"Mia?" Blinking, I snap away from my thoughts and look at Luciano. He motions behind me. I know that look. It was the look we came up with to signal whenever Marcellius was around. Cesare and Dante have stopped talking. There's an obvious amount of awkward tension in the air.

I glance behind me to see Marcellius standing in the doorway. His hair is not in its usual neat slicked back style. Instead it's messy and all over the place. He's also not dressed in his usual attire.

He's wearing black sweatpants shorts and a pique hooded sweatshirt to match. He looks like he just got back from going on a run. There's no denying how sexy he looks right now. I've never seen him wear anything else, but suits. And although attractive, this one did something to me. He didn't look so serious and uptight.


The head I would give this man.

I realize I'm just staring at him like a fool so I say, "What do you want?" I'm trying to sound like I'm still upset, because I am, and not extremely aroused. His intense gaze doesn't help much either. I just wanted to pounce on him like a damn lion. He just looks so painfully delicious. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm supposed to be upset.

Keep it together Mia.

"At least you're speaking to me again."

"Um, who said that?" It comes out a little more aggressive than I wanted it to. I can tell he's getting slightly annoyed. I mean I'm basically defying and embarrassing him in front of the guys.

Oh well. What the hell is he gonna do? Bend me over his knee again? Because I will sock him in his face before I let him do that shit to me again. He glares at the guys, indicating that he wants privacy.

They all stand up, Luciano looking at me to make sure I'm okay with him leaving. I nod, giving him a small smile. Once they are out of the room, Marcellius saunters over to me. My breath catches and I'm suddenly hot all over. Gulping, he kneels down in front me.

What is he doing?

I'm not sure what to make of this. He places his hands on each of my thighs before swiftly removing them. He seems nervous. I can't tell how I know, but I just do.

"Tesoro(darling)..." Hearing him call me by the nickname he gave me makes my heart skip a beat. It's been a minute since I heard it. And it wasn't until now that I realized how much I missed hearing it. His voice is soft as he pleads with those beautiful brown eyes of his. "I know what I did hurt you. Mi dispiace(I'm sorry)."

"You did more than hurt me Marcel. I can no longer trust you." I'm fighting back tears. He looks down in silence. He looks genuinely sorry, and it's taking everything within me not to just pull him into a hug.

I want to run my hands through that messy hair of his, and tell him I love and forgive him. But I'm hesitant. I mean who's to say he won't do it again if I end up breaking one of his rules.

I just wanted to see the full version of the man I have given my heart to. How could he not expect me not to react the way I did. I watched him kill a man who betrayed him. And then he punished me for being down there.

I was not expecting such behavior from him. Especially from a man I thought I knew. He stands to his feet and doesn't say a word as he simply walks out. Sucking in a deep breath, I exhale slowly.

Did he have to look good walking away too?

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