Chapter 15

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I needed to leave tonight. I was getting sick and tired of being locked up. It's been a month since I've gone outside. I've just been staring out the window, watching the world progress around me.

It didn't help that Marcellius and I were fighting. I've been spending time with Cesare and Luciano to pass the time. Cesare has lost over three hundred dollars to me in a game of pool.

Luciano and I have gotten closer. I can truly say that he's been an absolutely amazing friend. And although I have been warned about the temper of this family, Luciano is just the sweetest. Since I can't really contact Leah or my dad, he's been keeping me company.

He just sits back and let's me rant about my relationship drama. I asked him why he was single and all he could tell me was that he didn't have time for a relationship. But I had a feeling that wasn't the real reason.

The wound where I had been shot has healed nicely. It's a very ugly scar. But it's a scar I find beauty in. In my eyes, it's a reminder of what I almost lost. I'm very grateful to be alive.

How ironic considering I'm dead to the rest of the world. It's strange having faked my own death. I feel like a ghost just walking among the living.

I want so badly to visit Leah and my dad. I've even thought about my regular customers at the cafe. I want my life back. I want it to go back to normal. But I know it will never go back to the way it was until the man who shot me is captured.

"Mia, you ready?" Blinking, I'm pulled away from my thoughts. Luciano is staring at me, the keys to his orange Mustang dangling in my face. I could not believe Luciano agreed to help me tonight. He was bolder than I thought. No one in their right mind would cross Marcellius.

Which made our plan to sneak out of the house all the more exciting. Nodding, I follow Luciano out the backdoor and into his sports car. He puts the key into the ignition and the car roars to life. "Any idea where you want to go?" He asks, looking over at me.

I knew that if I wanted to avoid being spotted then I was going to have to go someplace dark. "How about the movies?"

"Movies it is," he says, pulling off and speeding onto the dimly lit road.


Shoving another handful of popcorn into my mouth, I pass the bucket to Luciano. He somehow managed to convince the manager to let us rent out the entire theater to ourselves. He even got us an unlimited bucket of popcorn, snacks, and drinks.

Since it was just the two of us, he and I didn't hold back when laughing. We ended up discovering that we were both the type of people to talk and discuss the movie while it was playing. We chose to watch an action packed thriller, yet a comedic movie to keep us entertained. "Where did you put the Sour Patch?" I whisper.

Luciano tosses me the bag of sour candy from within his pocket, munching on a mouthful of popcorn. He takes a sip of his blue raspberry slushie, bursting into laughter. "Why are you whispering?"

"No idea," I whispered once more. We are having a blast in the movie theater. It felt good to not have to be on house arrest. Marcellius has had his men follow me everywhere around the house.

I couldn't even piss in peace. He's so worried about that man finding me when he should be more worried about the fact that he hasn't found him yet.

Luciano won't give me all the details, but he says that they are still tracking him down. Somehow the guy has managed to completely go off the grid. A few men were sent to babysit his house just in case he comes back.

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