Chapter 7

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Marcellius' POV
Vincenzo Sinisi, also known as Mafia boss, Vincent Sin. I absolutely hated the man. Our families have been rivals before either of our parents were even born. And as much as I wanted to put a bullet through his head, I had more important things to deal with. "I'm not going to fucking ask you again Sin."

He raises his hands up in surrender, that crooked ass smile still plastered on his face. "No need to be so hostile Marcellius." I didn't allow anyone to call me by my name other than my family. But he knew that. Which is why he did it.

I scanned the two guards behind him, analyzing them. They were both armed, but I hope he didn't think I'd ever be unarmed. I had my men scattered throughout the building as well as the perimeter. My brothers are also armed at all times. The son of a bitch was in my territory now. "So I hear you have a traitor among you Marcellius."

How did he know that?

No one knew that information except my brothers. Which begs the question on whether or not this spy had provided them Intel. I am a very cautious man, and if I find out Sin had something to do with this then I won't hesitate to kill him. "Word spreads fast I see."

He simply chuckles, looking up and over at his two men standing guard on either side of him. They join in on the laughter even though nothing I said was remotely funny. "That's why I'm here. Precious information of mine was stolen as well." He's trying to see if I had something to do with it since it was from one of my own men.

If Sin had information of his stolen as well then this couldn't possibly be his doing. It wouldn't make sense for him to steal his own information. Unless... he's lying. I look over to Luciano with a nod. He's got a folder with the name of the traitor in my Mafia. 

Luciano pulls out the black folder, handing it to Sin. Sin raises a brow in question. "And what is this?" Sin opens the folder with the traitor's name and everything else we need to know about him. His entire life is in that single file.

"Benvolio Pitera. He's currently under my custody." I was still skeptical about Sin. He was my first suspect the moment I found out it was stolen. I had no idea whether or not he played a role in this. But if it got in the wrong hands, certain secrets my father and I worked very hard to keep hidden would be brought to light.

It would be the downfall of the Fierri family. And there were far more dangerous enemies to worry about than Sin. That's when an idea hits me. It's risky. And it's the last thing I would ever agree to do, but what better way to find out the truth than to form a truce. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. "Voglio chiamare una tregua(I want to call a truce)."

"Tregua(truce)?" He and his men begin whispering among one another. Rolling my eyes, I down my glass of water in seconds. If Sin doesn't agree to this deal then I'll have no choice but to believe he was the enemy I was going to have to worry about. Once he's done conversing with his men, he pulls out of his huddle and looks at me. He smiles. "Affare(deal)."

"Shall we toast?" I motioned for one of the waitresses to bring us a round of bourbon and water for me and Cesare. He won't admit he's on the border of becoming an alcoholic. But I should know. It takes one to know one. 

The waitresses bring around a tray, handing us each of our drinks. My brothers remove their hands from their weapons and raise their glass. We all toast to this new unlikely alliance between rivals.

Vincent scans his surroundings before setting his glass down and looking at me. "I'm guessing you didn't tell Mia about your secret. She didn't look too happy." Grunting with anger, I grip the glass in my hands tightly. Hearing Mia's name leave his lips pisses me off. 

I want to take this glass and bash it into his head. But I was in no mood to spill blood tonight. Ramzi texted me minutes ago to let me know that Mia got home safely. And that was all that mattered.

"That's none of your concern." I decided to let what he said slide as I slowly set the empty glass down on the table.

It wasn't until what he said next that sent me over the edge. "Mia looks quite fuckable in that dress." Sin knows just how to push my buttons. Luciano and Cesare grab me in an attempt to hold me back, but I refuse to let this asshole say such things about her.

He's fucking dead.

Grabbing his shirt collar, his guards pull out their guns and aim at me. My brothers all pull out their guns and aim at them. We were in a private booth away from witnesses, but someone still catches us with our weapons aimed at one another and shouts, "Gun!" Everyone starts evacuating the club.

Sin motions for his guards to lower their weapon. They hesitantly lowered their guns, my brothers still aimed and ready. A sinister laugh erupts from his throat. "Tregua(truce), remember Marcellius?"

"The deal is off. Get the fuck out of my club!" I release his collar, shoving him back. It's taking everything within me not to kill him for the shit he said about my Mia. I don't play about her or anyone else in my family. And Sin was the main person who should know that. He knows exactly what happens when someone threatens my family.

He fixes the creases in his coat and doesn't say a word, as a smug smile tugs at his lips. I watch as he and his men take their leave, crowds of people still piling out of the club in terror. Forming an alliance with Sin was a mistake. Looks like I'm going to have to deal with this on my own. And if it turns out Vincent is behind this then I will make him suffer.

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