Chapter 9

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Marcellius' POV
I've been keeping Benvolio Pitera in the basement for the past week. Don't get me wrong, I am in fact a cold blooded killer, but I do have a heart. I made sure he was fed every once in a while.

Many view my punishments as harsh, but I will not allow traitors in my Mafia. Especially those that think they'll live after the shit they pulled. The best way to teach my men what happens when you cross me- is to give them a first class show.

"You know I use to consider you family Pitera." Placing the muzzle of my gun under his chin, I forcibly lift his head up so he's looking directly at me. I wanted him to see the hurt I felt when I found out one of my men, men I consider trustworthy and loyal, had betrayed me.

"I just want to know why Pitera. After all I've done to provide for your family. You go and fucking betray me by giving out information NO ONE IS SUPPOSE TO FUCKING KNOW OUTSIDE THIS MAFIA!" I find myself raising my voice and having to take a step back to control myself. I was fucking livid.

I whip around to face my men, carelessly waving the weapon at them. "Anyone else wanna betray me next? How about you Dante? Or you Aloi?" They shake their heads, fear evident in their eyes.

Turning back around, I take my gun and pistol whip Benvolio until his face is covered in blood. His head jerks left and right, blood splattering onto my suit. "Damn it Benvolio," I seethe out angrily. "Not you getting your blood on my favorite fucking suit."

I grab his chin, crushing his jaw with my hand. He can barely keep his eyes open as he groans in pain. "Dante, go get me a new jacket." I release Benvolio's chin from my grip and place my gun back in the waistband of my pants.

"Marcel," Niccolo's voice booms in the dimly lit room. He emerges from the darkness, having been watching everything unfold from the sidelines. "You got a call from a woman by the name of "Leah". She sounds frantic as hell." He tosses me my phone and I catch it effortlessly with one hand.

Why would Mia's friend be calling me?

Pressing the phone up to my ear, I hear what sounds like people screaming and the faint sound of sirens in the background. "Leah?"

She's exactly how Niccolo described. Her voice is shaky and it sounds like she's been crying. "Marcellius! Something happened to Mia!"

Hearing those words sends me into a panic. All I have ever done is try to protect Mia. It's why I've kept my distance this long. God knows I can't be more than a few hours away from her, but I did it anyway to protect her. At least I thought it would protect her. I thought maybe she'd be able to live a normal life, not surrounded by constant criminals.

"What the hell happened to her?" I can barely hear the people screaming and the sirens blaring. Luciano and Cesare are looking at me with concern. "Leah, calm down and tell me what happened." It takes her a minute, but eventually she calms down.

"He fucking shot her! He shot Mia!" I know immediately who she's referring to. Luciano gave him a background check that same day after he touched my Mia. Kyle Johnson. He was charged on several counts of harassment and sexual assault towards women dating back ten years ago. He's in his late forties now.

I should've killed his ass. I was so worried about Mia that I allowed myself to forget my principles. But not this time. I will make his life a living hell. Leah starts crying hysterically, her words becoming jumbled as she struggles to continue. "They took her away in an ambulance. Marcellius...there was so much blood. S-she looked dead."

Squeezing the phone in my hand, I suck in a deep breath before exhaling. Just the thought of Mia being dead crushed me. I felt like a heavy weight had been dropped on my shoulders, and I could barely hold myself up. Leah told me what New York hospital they had taken her to, the sound of her sobs filling my ears.

"Leah, it will be okay," I tell her with assurance. "Mia is a strong woman." And I believed that she was. But I just didn't think I could be strong enough for her. "I'll send over a few of my men to keep you updated." I couldn't see her, but I could tell she was nodding.

I hang up the phone, slipping it into my pocket just as Dante returns with a new jacket. I remove the blood stained one, tossing it to him before taking the fresh one. I quickly slipped on the jacket and looked at Niccolo. 

"Nic, you're in charge. Do what needs to be done to get the information, but please...please don't kill this one like you did the last time." I motioned for Luciano to follow me, leaving Niccolo, Cesare and the rest of my men to proceed with the plan.


Bursting into the double doors of New York Presbyterian Hospital, I ask around for Mia. None of the Doctors or nurses seem to know who I'm talking about. Rushing down the hospital's corridor, I stop in my tracks when I spot Mia's father, Amos, in the waiting room.

He's sitting down in the chair with his head in his hands. I'm about to approach him when a doctor carrying a clipboard calls his name. He jolts to his feet, tears streaming down his face. It's faint, but I hear the doctor saying something about Mia being rushed into surgery.

My heart sinks. It was all my fault. I wasn't there when I should've been. Luciano places a comforting hand on my shoulder. I jerk away from him, my blood beginning to boil. When I get my hands on that son of a bitch he's going to wish he'd never walked into Mia's cafe.

The doctor walks away from Amos just as he turns and spots me. "You promised me!" he shouts, walking towards me. "You promised me that you would keep my baby safe!" He cries out.

"I haven't forgotten Mr. Davis. And I intend on keeping that promise." He wipes the tears from his face, Luciano attempting to comfort him. We share a look before I excuse myself. Pulling my phone out from my pocket, I make sure no one is close enough to listen in before dialing the Chief of police.

He answers on the first ring. "Mr. Fierri."

"I need a favor. And you owe me Chief."

He knew exactly what I was referring to. He grows silent on the other end before clearing his throat and responding. "Whatever you need Mr. Fierri," he says with a nervous laugh. I tell him about my plan to catch the guy who shot my Mia. I didn't want the police getting involved at all.

I needed him to believe that he was in the clear. But I especially needed him to think Mia had died. That way I can catch his ass off guard when I take his life. This was one I had to deal with on my own. He was now the Mafia's problem. He puts me on hold and returns about five minutes later. "It is done."

"Good man. Thank you." We end the call and I head back over to Amos and Luciano. The doctor is talking to Amos when I overhear him say they were able to stabilize Mia, and remove the bullet. I sigh with relief. But then I hear she has fallen into a Coma. And has less than a thirty percent chance of ever regaining consciousness.

Pissed, my fist goes straight into the wall. The sound of gasps caused me to snap back into reality and realize the damage I had done. Everyone's eyes are on me. I quickly text Ramzi to bring me a bag of clothes from the mansion.

The doctor approaches me, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Luciano swoops in before the doctor's face ends up looking similar to the wall. He grabs my arm, leading me away.

"Apologies Doc. We'll get that fixed for you," he tells him with an awkward smile. Luciano the hero. I followed him out of the building, a cool breeze brushing my face. "Focus Marcel. We need you if we're going to get our revenge for what he did to Mia." He's right. I suck in a deep breath, exhaling slowly. I have to remain focused and controlled, because the wrath of the Fierri Mafia was near.

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