Chapter 21

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"My precious Mia!" My dad shouts, running towards me with his arms outstretched and his eyes filled with tears. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a tight embrace.

As soon as I felt the warmth of my dad's embrace, I burst into tears. I missed him so much. And I was going to miss him even more now that his trip to Jamaica has been pushed up to tomorrow morning.

He tried canceling to spend more time with me, but I refused. With all the hard work he's put into the cafe over the years, he deserved this time to himself.

We are both crying now. We just keep telling each other how much we've missed one another. He never got to say goodbye in the hospital because the death had to be believable. I thought it was Marcellius' idea until he told me it was my dad's.

I've never been away from my dad longer than a couple hours when I'm at work. Even during college, I stayed home and took online classes. I felt like with my mom gone that my dad would need me to be by his side.

After crying tears of joy, our little ten minute family reunion comes to an end. My dad glances over at Marcellius, who's standing in front of his sports car with his arms crossed over his chest. Pushing himself off the car, he walks over to us, his expression stoic as ever.

I look back at my dad who's also sporting the same facial expression. He and Marcellius share a look that only they seem to understand. Glancing back and forth between the two of them, I step back, feeling as though I have interrupted a budding bro-mance I never knew they had. Marcellius' hand slides onto the small of my back. His eyes are still trained on my father as he says, "go wait in the car."

"What for?" I question. Marcellius and I haven't talked about me officially moving into his house. It just kind of happened, so I'm guessing he informed my father about the news before I could. I planned to take him out to dinner and tell him myself, but I see Marcellius couldn't wait. At least that's what I think the shared look between them is about.

He releases a soft sigh, a hint of annoyance in his voice. He never did like when I questioned or defied him.

Before Marcellius, I never found dominance to be in the slightest bit attractive. But now that I've gotten a taste, I'm often craving more and more of the rather sensual kink, especially in the bedroom.

I've found that in the bedroom his dominance is exciting and arouses the deepest parts of my body. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy purposely upsetting him just to bring out that dominant side of him.

"Please Mia..," he begs. A mischievous grin tugs at my lips. I'm enjoying every bit of this. I can tell his heart rate has increased by the way his chest rises and falls. His hand is clenched into a fist, and the hand on the small of my back has shifted to my waist, his grip tightening.

"What will you do if I don't?" I ask him, remembering that he told me not to provoke him at the nightclub a little over a month ago. But what if that's my intention?

His eyes darken, and I know that I've hit a nerve. He looks to my father, excusing us with a small smile before tugging me away from earshot. His smile drops when his attention turns back to me.

He reaches up to gently caress my cheek with his hand. Although his touch is gentle and innocent, the words that leave his lips come out aggressive and very sinful.

"When we get back home I'm going to fuck the obedience into that sweet little pussy." My eyes widened at his words. Squirming with excitement and a little bit of fear, I maintain eye contact in fear he might choke me in front of my father. And it's not like I wouldn't enjoy having his veiny fingers around my throat, but it's not a scene a father should see his daughter in.

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