Chapter 30

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The Fierri mansion is filled with chaos as everyone prepares for war. Tension is in the air as guns of all kinds are handed to each member. I felt like I was in the midst of a war zone. Thankfully, Miko was still at school so he wouldn't have to witness the craziness that is his family.

"Mia." I whip around, hearing Marcellius' voice from behind me. He grabs my hand, sliding it across his lower back. My eyes widen when I feel my fingers touch the gun. For the first time ever I knew exactly what he was thinking. I shake my head. "Mia, now is not the time to be difficult."

I pull my hand away, dropping it at my side. "I'm not taking that gun, Marcellius. I don't even know how to use it."

"Mama and Selene will show you." I shake my head again. I can tell he's starting to get frustrated, but he maintains a calm speaking tone. "I'd feel much better if you kept this with you."

"Fine." He sighs with relief. "But that doesn't mean I'm using it." He rolls his eyes, leaning down to kiss my forehead. That felt too much like a goodbye kiss, so I grabbed his face and crashed my lips onto his.

I'd much rather have a "see you later kiss." He's caught off guard, PDA not much of his thing especially in front of his men. Seeing him so flustered by the act, ignites a fire within me full of dominance. I was in control.

Taking full advantage of the situation, I brush my fingers over The fabric of his pants. I can feel the bulge in his pants harden. A smile tugs at my lips. Marcellius grabs my wrist, gripping it tightly. His eyes lock onto me, darkening in color. "You're going to regret doing that later."

"I hope so," I whisper, standing on my tippy-toes to lick up the side of his cheek. I never knew I could enjoy being so defiant. It arouses me like never before.

Marcellius' mouth starts to move likes about to say something, but one of his men interrupts him. "Everyone's ready to go boss."

The man leaves and Marcellius looks back down at me. "Promise me you'll be careful?" I say, my voice just barely above a whisper. I remove the gun from the waistband of his pants. He nods, before joining the rest of his men outside.


Marcellius' POV
Viktor Orlov. That was the name of the man who killed my father. It's the name of a man that I haven't heard since I was around Miko's age. I remember my father considering him a trusted and loyal friend.

What a fucking lie.

I never thought he'd be behind my father's murder. But then I should've known when he didn't show up to his funeral. After Luciano identified the license plate and tracked the van to him, that's when I knew he was back.

Luciano was also able to access the audio of the outside cameras. The two men that first exited the vehicle share a short exchange in their native tongue.

"For Orlov."

That's what they said to one another before they viciously slaughtered my men. And now we were about to do the same thing to them. An eye for an eye right? That's what my father always taught me and my brothers.

Giving my men the okay, we split up into groups. I take the first group of men, while Luciano takes the second, and Niccolo the third and fourth. We didn't tell Cesare we were leaving because we needed him to rest.

His mind is clouded by hurt and rage. All common sense has gone out the window for that kid. He's going to be pissed later, but at least he'll be alive.

Bursting through the front door of Orlov's brothel, I lead my men into the home of a Russian traitor. I take out three of his men within seconds, my adrenaline pumping.

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