Chapter 6.

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Y/n POV:

We all walked after Buck, luckily, otherwise we would have already got lost.

"Alright mammals, The Jungle of Misery..." Buck said, pointing to the big jungle in front of us.
As we walked in the jungle, we heard a loud scream from far away from us, the voice started echoing above us.

"Sounds like a Jungle of Misery to me." Eddie said in front of us as we continued to walk across the jungle. Something doesn't feel right, like someone is staring at me, and I'm not talking about Diego this time...

"Hey Y/n." I heard Ellie calling behind me so I stopped and let Manny and Diego walk past me.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.
"The baby?"

"Oh, no sweetie, it's just, it's like someone or something is staring..." She replied and we stopped to listen.

"I felt that way too but I don't see anyone... maybe we're just imagining." I answered and raised my shoulders.

"Y-Yeah, maybe..." Ellie replied and I kept walking faster to catch the boys. When I caught them they stopped.

"Where's Ellie and Manny?" Eddie asked.

"Oh, they must have been left behind, maybe we should go back..." I said and the boys nodded. Soon we saw them.

"You're hungry- low blood sugar. Well, there's some fruit." Manny said in front of us and pointed a red fruit in the middle of nowhere.

"No, Manny." Ellie shouted after him but Manny didn't listen and ran to the fruit.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Diego started by warning his friend and went for a walk after him.
"This is not exactly your playground." He continued and this made Manny scoff.

"Like... like I'm really gonna be afraid of a pretty flower." Manny said and grabbed the fruit, and when he did,

"What?" Manny asked suddenly and Diego growled, the reason of that was because the plant grabbed their feet with its lianas.

"Bet you didn't see that coming." Diego told Manny.

Then they screamed and soon the plant had pulled them both into the air from their feet.

"Manny!" Ellie shouted after Manny as the plant began to close around them... wait... the plant is going to eat them?!

"For a record, I blame you for this." I heard Diego tell Manny before they were both pulled inside the plant.

"Stop eating our friends, plant." Eddie said and both brothers had stick swords in hand. Then they both left shouting towards the plant. Soon the shouting turned to screaming as the plant went after the boys.

"That's it. I'm tearing it up from the roots." Ellie said and was ready to go and save the boys until Buck interrupted her.

"Do that..." Buck began.
"And it will clamp shut forever."

"What?!" Ellie asked in a panic.

"All right, preggers, don't get your trunk in a knot." Buck told Ellie as he jumped from the branch to the ground with his sword.

"Buck, can you help them?" I also asked in a little panic.

"Already on it, Darling. I'll get them out of there before they're digested." Buck said as he stretched his limbs.

"Digested?!" Manny shouted in panic.

"They'll be nothing but bones in three minutes. Well, maybe five for the fat one." Buck told us, still stretching his limbs.

"I'm not fat." We heard Manny say back to Buck.

Third Person POV:

Diego and Manny were pressed into each other inside the plant. Both of them tried to get the plant to open until they both stopped,

"I feel tingly." Diego said.

"Don't say that when you pressed up against me." Manny told him back.

"Not that kind of tingly." Diego said back a little annoyed about what Manny thought.

"I-I can feel it, too." Manny said and both of them looked down. Fluid began to rise inside the plant.

Y/n POV:

"Help!" Both Manny and Diego shouted from inside the plant.
"Someone help us!" Manny shouted again.

"Ooooooooh, hurry!" Ellie told Buck in a panic.

"It's time to get... Buck wild." Having said this, Buck set off running towards the plant, dodging lianas and other obstacles. Then he threw himself into the air and rushed towards the plant and was going inside it until, he got caught at his waist. Luckily, he got himself crammed inside the plant.

Me, Ellie, Crash, and Eddie couldn't help but wait. What we saw next was that the plant started to get smaller moment by moment. This, of course, caused panic in the four of us.

"No." Ellie shouted as the plant began to close into a smaller space.

"Don't worry Ellie, Buck will get them out... hopefully..." I said but I mumbled the last part.

The plant did not stop shrinking but continued to shrink. Then Eddie started biting his nails from the anxiety and after he had bitten his own nails Crash gave his own hand to him.

The plant stopped, it didn't move and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. All four of us looked quietly at the plant and waited for some sort of response.

And then,

The plant began to grow bigger and bigger moment by moment. Ellie and I, for our part, sheltered behind the trees while Crash and Eddie remained in front of the plant. Then the plant exploded and inside the plant a green slimy thing flew around the jungle, aaand directly onto Crash and Eddie.

Then we heard a familiar scream coming from high in the air and both Manny and Diego landed on the ground breathlessly. Buck, on the other hand, glided nicely in the air and landed on the ground without any problems.

"*Scoffs* Tourists." Buck said and walked away from the boys.

"Barfed on by a plant." Crash started as both of them were covered in slime.
"Awesome." Both of them said at the same time.

"Say something." Ellie told the boys as we walked over to them.

"Uh... thanks for saving us." Manny started by telling Buck.

"Buck, will you help us find the floppy green thing?" Ellie asked.

"That's not necessary." Manny said and suddenly got up, which caused Diego to fall to the ground.

"Whoa!" Diego shouted as he fell.

"Diego!" I shouted and ran to him, he in turn laid on the ground out of breath. I helped him up with my paw but before he was completely up he spoke,

"So, you care?" He asked and this made my mind change quickly,

"-No, not really." I answered and pulled my paw off him which made him fall back to the ground and for my part I went for a walk away from him, now a smirk on my face.

"All right, I'll help you, but I got rules." Buck started.
"Rule number one: Always listen to Buck.
Rule number two: Stay in the middle of the trail.
Rule number three:..." Then came the dramatic silence and we waited for Buck to finish his saying.

"...He who has gas, travels at the back of the pack." Having said this, Eddie looked at the ground in disappointment and walked behind us.

"Come on, then. Chop-chop." Buck said and started walking, the rest of us, of course went to follow him.

"We should all have our heads examined." Manny said as we left. Buck heard this and said,

"That's rule number four. Now let's go find your friend."

[Ice Age] Diego x Reader Book 3.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat